Instagram on hauska some-appi postailla kuvia linopiirroksista. Minulla on noin tuhat seuraajaa, jotka kommentoivat töitä silloin tällöin, mutta tykkäyksistä saa hyvän kuvan siitä, mikä Instagram-kavereita kiinnostaa. Linopiirrokseni kun ovat useimmiten joko kissoja tai Pispalaa, niin nehän tietenkin näkyvät tässä vuoden 2017 eniten pidetyissä postauksissa: linopiirroksia, kissoja, nurmikkojyrää ja Pispalan taloja. Aika paljon postaan Instagremiin myös luontokuvia kuin vuodenaikapäiväkirjaa, mutta ne eivät ole nousseet pidetyimpien listalle. Linopiirrokset johtavat! Instagramissa seuraan itsekin noin tuhannen linopiirtäjän postauksia, ja mitä mielikuvituksen leikkiä ja myös hyviä teknisiäkin vinkkejä sieltä löytää. Enemmän ammattimaisesti suhtaudutaan linopiirroksiin Facebookin ryhmässä: Linocut Friends. Siellä saa tosi hyviä vastauksia linoteriä, kaiverrusmateriaaleja, papereita, värejä tai teloja koskeviin kysymyksiin.
Minut löytää Instagramista nimellä @linokissa
Instagram is a fun social media app for posting pictures of linocuts. I have about thousand followers, and they are commenting sometimes, but about the likes I get a good overview what interests my Instagram friends.As my linocuts are often cats or Pispala houses, so they are of course visible here on the list of my most liked posts: linocuts, cats, garden roll and Pispala houses. I post in Instagram also quite a lot of nature photos like a seasonal diary, but these have not on this list of the most liked pictures. Linocuts rule! I follow myself in Instagram the posts of about thousand linocutters, and what play of the imagination and also good technical hints can I find in there. More professional angle can be found in Facebook group Linocut Friends. There you can get really good answers for the questions about linocutting materials, tools, blades, papers, colours and brayers.
You can find me in Instagram as @linokissa
- LINOPIIRROKSET (ennen 2020) / LINOCUTS (before 2020)
- PISPALA 2024
- PISPALA (2023)
- PISPALA (2022)
- PISPALA (ennen 2022) / (before 2022)
- LILLY BERLIN - sarjakuva/ comic strip
joulukuuta 27, 2017
joulukuuta 25, 2017
Ranskalainen Leon-Charles Huber (1858-1928) tunnetaan erityisesti kissamaalauksistaan, joissa herttaiset kissat usein poseeraavat kuin asetelmissa. Tässä kuvassa kissanpoikanen on kaatanut maljakon, kukat lojuvat lattialla ja kissalla on syytön ilme. Väri on jouluisen punainen.
French Leon-Charles Huber (1858-1928) was known particularly by his cat paintings, where the cute cats often are posing like in still-lifes. In this picture a kitten has broken a vase, flowers are scattered on the floor, and the kitten has an innocent look. The colour is Christmassy red.
French Leon-Charles Huber (1858-1928) was known particularly by his cat paintings, where the cute cats often are posing like in still-lifes. In this picture a kitten has broken a vase, flowers are scattered on the floor, and the kitten has an innocent look. The colour is Christmassy red.
joulukuuta 23, 2017
Tarkoituksenani oli tehdä uusi Pispala-aiheinen linopiirros, jonka vedostaisin erilaisten pilvi- ja taivasaiheisten pastellien tai monoprinttien alaosaksi. Aiheesta syntyi kuva portaista, jotka laskeutuvat jyrkästi kohti Pyhäjärveä. Kädessäni olivat jo sakset, ja aioin leikata linon yläosan pois kun huomasin, että linopiirroksen yläosassahan on kuin sadepilviä. Kuvasta voisi sadepilvineen vedostaa myös ihan oman kuvansa. Teinkin sitten sekä 20 x 30 cm kokoisen linopiirroksen pilvineen että pohjan 50 x 30 cm sekatekniikkatöille peittämällä pilvet teipillä vedostettaessa. Voisin vielä kokeilla pilvien ja järven vedostusta sinisinä.
My aim was to make a new Pispala-themed linocut, which i would print as a bottom part for different cloud or sky-themed pastel drawings or monoprints. The subject formed to a picture of steps that are descending sharply towards the lake Pyhäjärvi. I had already scissors in my hand, and I was about to cut away the upper side of the lino when I noticed that there are like rain clouds on the upper part of the picture. Why not print a whole new picture of the lino with the clouds. So I made both: a 20 x 30 cm linoprint with the clouds and a base for 50 x 30 cm mixed media works by covering the clouds with a piece of tape when printing. Still, I could try to print the clods and the lake blue.
My aim was to make a new Pispala-themed linocut, which i would print as a bottom part for different cloud or sky-themed pastel drawings or monoprints. The subject formed to a picture of steps that are descending sharply towards the lake Pyhäjärvi. I had already scissors in my hand, and I was about to cut away the upper side of the lino when I noticed that there are like rain clouds on the upper part of the picture. Why not print a whole new picture of the lino with the clouds. So I made both: a 20 x 30 cm linoprint with the clouds and a base for 50 x 30 cm mixed media works by covering the clouds with a piece of tape when printing. Still, I could try to print the clods and the lake blue.
joulukuuta 20, 2017
December's exhibition at The Photographic Center Nykyaika is a group exhibition of four very different artists: "Finland100 - Pirkanmaa Yestreday and Today". The best in this exhibition is Petri Nuutinen's large wall of large photographs. The subject is the building of the tram trails, which has messed up the whole center of Tampere. The aim is to continue this documentation project for the next four and a half years. The pictures are pigment prints on Baryta paper, and it is really hard to recognize my home town from these scenes. There is chaos, trash, mess everywhere - but still there is something eternal and serene is the photos. And there are no humans - perhaps the photos were taken at a summer night. This is now the situation!
joulukuuta 18, 2017
Kissakortti: 235 / Cat Card: 235
Saksalaisen ekspressionistin Franz Markin (1880-1916) kissat on maalattu rehevillä väreillä ja paksulla siveltimellä tai veitsellä. Punainen raitainen peitto vyöryy kuin tulimeri, mutta kissat ovat raukeina päiväunilla. Värien käyttö muistuttaa Vicent van Goghin tyyliä, etenkin yläreunan ruohikko.
Two cats by German Expressionist Franz Mark (1880-1916) are painted with lush colours and broad brushes or knives. The red striped blanket is pouring like a sea of fire, but the cats are peacefully napping. The use of colours reminds me of Vincent van Gogh's style, especially the grass on the upper part of the painting.
Two cats by German Expressionist Franz Mark (1880-1916) are painted with lush colours and broad brushes or knives. The red striped blanket is pouring like a sea of fire, but the cats are peacefully napping. The use of colours reminds me of Vincent van Gogh's style, especially the grass on the upper part of the painting.
joulukuuta 14, 2017
This 30 x 20 cm linocut is full of Pispala houses. I left the borders out of this lino, because I plan to make a bigger work by linking together several same sized linocuts, which could still be also individual linos.
joulukuuta 12, 2017
Helena Kaikkonen |
There is a fun and beautiful exhibition at Gallery Saskia of four artists: Synnöve Dickhoff, Helena Kaikkonen, Ulla Pohjola ja Kaija Poijula. They all have a style to combine materials found in the nature: stones, dandelion fluffs, tea bags, feathers, paper or bones. Books have been sawed to half, twisted and coloured. Different materials have been combined, and there are also embroidery and other decorations. It's very seldom that you experience a group exhibition this united, you can not separate the artists' styles easily. I took four photos with my phone, and they all were from different artists. I coul have sworn they were by the same maker.
Kaija Poijula |
Ulla Pohjola |
Synnöve Dickhoff |
joulukuuta 11, 2017
Kissakortti: 234 / Cat Card: 234
Kissa tarpoo syvässä lumessa ja katsoo suoraan silmiin. Nuoskaisen paksun lumen voi melkein haistaa, kuivat ruohot sojottavat jäykkinä, taivaanrannassa on keltainen kajo ja kaikki on aika yksiväristä - paitsi vasemman yläkulman kirkas punainen metsikön takana, melkein kuin tulipalo. Maalaus on ruotsalaisen Bruno Liljeforsin (1860-1939), maalattu 1884 ja tätä ehkä voisi kutsua pohjoismaiseksi impressionismiksi.
A cat is stalking over deep snow and staring straight to your eyes. You can almost smell the damp, thick snow, dry grass is sticking out stiff, there is a yellow glow on the horizon and everything is rather monochrome - except some bright red on the upper left corner behind the trees, almost like a fire. The painiting is by Swedish Bruno Liljefors (1869-1939), painted in 1884 and you could perhaps call this Northern Impressionism.
A cat is stalking over deep snow and staring straight to your eyes. You can almost smell the damp, thick snow, dry grass is sticking out stiff, there is a yellow glow on the horizon and everything is rather monochrome - except some bright red on the upper left corner behind the trees, almost like a fire. The painiting is by Swedish Bruno Liljefors (1869-1939), painted in 1884 and you could perhaps call this Northern Impressionism.
joulukuuta 08, 2017
Uusi linopiirros Pispalasta on tekeillä. Tässä kuvassa on vain jyrkkä rinne täynnä taloja. Kun käytän vaaleaa linolevyä, on aina hauska nähdä miten kuva tulee esiin mustetta levittäessä.
A new linocut of Pispala is in process. In this picture there is only the steep ridge full of houses. When using this pale sheet of lino, it is always fun to see how the picture is coming visible inking the lino.
A new linocut of Pispala is in process. In this picture there is only the steep ridge full of houses. When using this pale sheet of lino, it is always fun to see how the picture is coming visible inking the lino.
joulukuuta 04, 2017
Kissakortti: 233 / Cat Card: 233
English artist Ben Nicholson is holding his cat Tommy. There is visible tenderness in his eyes, but also some determination. He is keeping the hind legs of the cat in a tight grip. It is not so easy to jump off. The photograph was taken by his wife Felicitas Vogler. Funny that her name is mentioned wrong (Felicitas Vogle) in this post card bought atTate Modern.
marraskuuta 30, 2017
Tamperelaisen taiteilijaryhmän POP UP Taidepuoti on jälleen auki jo kuudennen kerran. Puoti on nyt osoitteessa Hallituskatu 7 ja auki 22.12.2017 asti. Kahdessa kerroksessa on satoja töitä, iso osa grafiikkaa, kehyksissä ja ilman kehyksiä, isoja ja pieniä. Entiset suosikit ovat voimissaan: Marja Pirilän valokuvat, Hannamari Matikaisen eläimet, erityisesti monoprintit, Sauli Iso-Lähteenmäen ihanat puut, jotka tuovat mieleen Tahmelan rannan kysäjalavan ja Paula Ollikaisen pienet öljymaalaukset.
POP UP Art Shop of a group of artists in Tampere is open again, now for the sixth time. The shop is in Hallituskatu 7 and open till 22th of December, 2017. There are hundreds of art works on two floors, a lot of graphics, framed and without frames, large and small. The former favorites are strong again: Marja Pirilä's photographs, Hannamari Matikainen's animals, especially the monoprints, Sauli Iso-Lähteemäki's lovely trees which remind me of the beautiful European white elm on the Tahmela beach and Paula Ollikainen's small oil paintings.
POP UP Art Shop of a group of artists in Tampere is open again, now for the sixth time. The shop is in Hallituskatu 7 and open till 22th of December, 2017. There are hundreds of art works on two floors, a lot of graphics, framed and without frames, large and small. The former favorites are strong again: Marja Pirilä's photographs, Hannamari Matikainen's animals, especially the monoprints, Sauli Iso-Lähteemäki's lovely trees which remind me of the beautiful European white elm on the Tahmela beach and Paula Ollikainen's small oil paintings.
Hannamari Matikainen |
Sauli Iso-Lähteenmäki |
Marja Pirilä |
Paula Ollikainen |
marraskuuta 28, 2017
Tapio Tapiovaara |
My expectations were not high when I went to see The People's Cause (Kansan asialla) exhibition at Tampere Art Museum: National Romantisism, gloomy, pitying, political proclaiming... Well. there was that but also some real gems: Inari Krohn's colourful and powerful oil painting Army of The Unemployed (Työttämien armeija), Tapio Tapiovaara's magnificent linocut Metal Strike (Metallilakko) and Kaj Stevall's painting of a gardening pair in front of a dreamlike green ridge. My expectations were high when I entered ITE art exhibition on the lower floor of the museum. Wouldn't it be interesting to compare ITE art ( Itse Tehty Elämä i.e. Self-made Life) to Naïve art, Primitivism, folk art and what ever are the isms that have been used to define self-thought artists. The exhibition was a letdown. There were fine sculpture gardens in the photographs, but on the walls there were paintings and drawings that didn't get their message trough. The makers did not clearly have skills enough in order to convey their emotions.
Inari Krohn |
Kaj Stenvall |
ITE -taidetta / ITE art |
marraskuuta 27, 2017
Kissakortti: 232 / Cat Card: 232
Wilson Hepplen (1854-1937) kissakortin nimi on Odotus (Expectations). Kissanpoikanen odottaa kärsimättömänä maitoaan. Voisiko kukaan vastustaa tuota anovaa katsetta? Kissan valtavan kokoinen maitolautanen on varmaan arvokasta antiikkia, kiinalaista posliinia. Kissan jokainen karva ja maton pehmeys on hienosti maalattu. Kortin kuva näyttäisi olevan osa isompaa maalausta, mutta todennäköisesti näin ei ole. Hepplelle oli tyypillistä maalata kissojaan niin, että taustalla oli pala huonekalun kulmaa tai tuolin jalat. Sama maitolautanenkin näkyy useammassa hänen maalauksessaan.
Wilson Hepple's (1854-1937) cat card is called Expectations. The kitten is waiting impatiently for her milk. Could anyone resist those begging eyes? Cat's huge milk plate is surely valuable old antique, Chinese porcelain. Cat's every hair and the softness of the carpet are finely painted. This picture of the card seems to be a part of a larger painting, but it probably is not. It was typical for Hepple to paint his cats so that there were a part of a furniture of legs of chair on the background. The same milk plate is often visible in his paintings.
Wilson Hepple's (1854-1937) cat card is called Expectations. The kitten is waiting impatiently for her milk. Could anyone resist those begging eyes? Cat's huge milk plate is surely valuable old antique, Chinese porcelain. Cat's every hair and the softness of the carpet are finely painted. This picture of the card seems to be a part of a larger painting, but it probably is not. It was typical for Hepple to paint his cats so that there were a part of a furniture of legs of chair on the background. The same milk plate is often visible in his paintings.
marraskuuta 26, 2017
Naïve Artist in Iittala Christmas exhibition 2017 opened yesterday. Even the sun shone when the curator Hannu Castrén interviewed the artists. Several of them told about their techniques or subjects, pastel drawing, bird's names, and also I displayed a piece of carved lino. It was interesting to see Reijo Kivijärvi's unfinished painting and hear, how he plans to advance with the painting. On the walls of the exhibition there were a lot of cats as always, other animals and winter scenes. The lobby shop was full of cards. I was promoted, too, to a loo artist when Anne had adapted some of my post card to art works with Ikea frames. Puss in Boots was reflected on several mirrors.
Esa Leppänen,
Kati Mikola,
Kikka Nyrén,
Naivistit Iittalassa - joulu 2017,
Pirkko Pullinen-Valtonen,
Rauni Koivisto,
Reijo Kivijärvi,
Sinikka Hurskainen
marraskuuta 22, 2017
Toinen pieni koiralinoni on Onni, naapurin labbis, jonka lempityötä on kantaa kotiin ajopuita ja muita metsästä löytyneitä karahkoja. Tämän ajopuun Onni onnistuu raahaamaan Pyhäjärven laineilta Tahmelan rannalle. Mahtaakohan Onni ajatella: " Munko täällä pitää kerätä kaikki polttopuut?" Halko on väritetty käsin ruskeaksi.
Second of my small dog linos is Onni (Happiness), the neighbor's labrador who's favorite job is carrying home driftwood and other branches found in the woods. Onni manages to haul this piece of driftwood from the lake Pyhäjärvi to Tahmela beach. Might Onni be thinking: "Why is it me, who is collecting here all the firewood?" The log has been hand-coloured brown.
Second of my small dog linos is Onni (Happiness), the neighbor's labrador who's favorite job is carrying home driftwood and other branches found in the woods. Onni manages to haul this piece of driftwood from the lake Pyhäjärvi to Tahmela beach. Might Onni be thinking: "Why is it me, who is collecting here all the firewood?" The log has been hand-coloured brown.
marraskuuta 21, 2017
Nyt Herkules-kissa innostui nostelemaan Premier-liigan jalkapalloa ja Arsenalin logoa. Syynä on ehkä pienen ryhmämme vedonlyönti Fantasy Premier League -verkkosivustolla. Arsenal-logoa nostavasta kissasta on useita eri värisiä muunnoksia, joista musta/punainen lähti hyvän ystäväni ja Arsenalin kannattajan seinälle.
Now Hercules the cat got inspired and lifted Premier League football and Arsenal logo. Maybe the reason for this is our small group's betting on Fantasy Premier League internet page. There are several different coloured variations of the cat lifting up the Arsenal logo, blank and red one of them went on the wall of a good friend and Arsenal supporter.
Now Hercules the cat got inspired and lifted Premier League football and Arsenal logo. Maybe the reason for this is our small group's betting on Fantasy Premier League internet page. There are several different coloured variations of the cat lifting up the Arsenal logo, blank and red one of them went on the wall of a good friend and Arsenal supporter.
marraskuuta 20, 2017
Marja Pirilän kaunis ja tunnelmallinen valokuvanäyttely on Näsilinnassa Milavida-museossa. Ja sehän onkin ihan oikea paikka tälle näyttelylle. Valokuvat on otettu samassa Milavida-rakennuksessa ennen sen remonttia muutama vuosi sitten. Talo oli ollut pitkään tyhjillään ja siellä varmaan melkein aisti rakennuksen surullisen historian: palatsi oli rakennettu 1898 Nottbeckin perheelle, jonka vanhemmat kuolivat traagisesti ennen kuin perhe neljine lapsineen pääsi muuttamaan unelmiensa kotiin. Osa kuvista on toteutettu camera obscuralla, jolloin ulkomaailma tulee mukaan tunnelmaan, tosin ylösalaisin. Näyttelyn yhteydessä oleva diaesitys on haikea, siinä rinnastuvat Nottbeckien aika, tyhjät huoneet, avoimet ovat ja Tapari Rinteen äänimaisema.
Marja Pirilä's beautiful and atmospheric exhibition of photographs is at Museum Milavida, Näsilinna. And this just the right place for this exhibition. The photographs were taken in the very same Milavida building before it was renovated a few years back. The house had been empty quite a long time, and you could almost feel the sorrowful history of the building: the palace was built in 1898 for the family Nottbeck, but both of parents died tragically before the family with four children had even moved to their new dream home. Some of photos have created using camera obscura, the outside world is finely coming into the picture, but up side down. The slide show at the exhibition is plaintive, the times of Nottbecks are reflecting with empty rooms, open doors and the audio background by Tapani Rinne.
Marja Pirilä's beautiful and atmospheric exhibition of photographs is at Museum Milavida, Näsilinna. And this just the right place for this exhibition. The photographs were taken in the very same Milavida building before it was renovated a few years back. The house had been empty quite a long time, and you could almost feel the sorrowful history of the building: the palace was built in 1898 for the family Nottbeck, but both of parents died tragically before the family with four children had even moved to their new dream home. Some of photos have created using camera obscura, the outside world is finely coming into the picture, but up side down. The slide show at the exhibition is plaintive, the times of Nottbecks are reflecting with empty rooms, open doors and the audio background by Tapani Rinne.
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