"Pispala klo 14.50" on kuuden palan versio kymmenen linopiirrokseni sarjasta Pispala-taloja ja järveä. Tässä neliön muotoisessa 60 x 60 cm versiossa ovat kuusi vasemmalla olevaa reunimmaista osaa. Kukin osa on 30 x 20 cm kokoinen. Tässä kuvassa on monia yksityiskohtia: kuumailmapallo, höyrylaiva, skootteri, kissa selällään ja "Ei talvikunnossapitoa" -kyltti portaiden vieressä. Kuumailmapallo on vedostettu erillisenä linona ja väritetty käsin.
"Pispala 2.50 pm" is a six-piece version of my ten-piece series of linocuts of Pispala houses & lake. This square shaped 60 x 60 cm version contains six pieces on the far left side. Each of the pieces is 30 x 20 cm sized. There is a lot of details in this picture: the hot air balloon, steam boat, scooter, cat on her back, and "No winter maintenance" sign by the steps. The hot air balloon has been pulled from a separate lino and hand coloured.
- LINOPIIRROKSET (ennen 2020) / LINOCUTS (before 2020)
- PISPALA 2024
- PISPALA (2023)
- PISPALA (2022)
- PISPALA (ennen 2022) / (before 2022)
- LILLY BERLIN - sarjakuva/ comic strip
toukokuuta 28, 2019
toukokuuta 27, 2019
Kissakortti: 310 / Cat Card: 310
Terho Peltoniemi (s. 1966) on tuttu nimi minulle Naivistit Iittalassa -näyttelyistä. Hän on ollut mukana näissä naivistisissa yhteisnäyttelyissä jo useana vuonna. Ja Peltoniemen tyylin tunnistaa heti. Hänen maalauksissaan aika on pysähtynyt jonnekin vuosikymmenien taakse maalaisidylliin. Henkilöt ovat punaposkisia, hyvinsyöneitä kansanmiehiä ja -naisia. Tällä herralla on isot paikat housuissa, mutta naurua riittää. Ruusut ja koiranputket rehottavat, hirsiseinä hehkuu, ikkunalla on pelargonia ja salusiinit. Ja tässä kuvassa on peräti viisi kissaa, jotka selvästi rakastavat isäntäänsä.
Terho Peltoniemi (b. 1966) is a familiar name to me from Naïve Artists in Iittala exhibitions. He has participated to these Naïve Art exhibitions for several years already. And you can recognize Peltoniemi' s style right away. The time has stopped in his paintings in a rural idyll somewhere several decades ago. The people are ruddy, well-fed men or women of the people. This gentleman has large patches on his trousers, but there is enough of laughter. Roses and cow parsley are blooming, the log wall is glowing, there are a geranium on the window, and side curtains. And there are no less than five cats in this picture clearly in love with their master.
Terho Peltoniemi (b. 1966) is a familiar name to me from Naïve Artists in Iittala exhibitions. He has participated to these Naïve Art exhibitions for several years already. And you can recognize Peltoniemi' s style right away. The time has stopped in his paintings in a rural idyll somewhere several decades ago. The people are ruddy, well-fed men or women of the people. This gentleman has large patches on his trousers, but there is enough of laughter. Roses and cow parsley are blooming, the log wall is glowing, there are a geranium on the window, and side curtains. And there are no less than five cats in this picture clearly in love with their master.
toukokuuta 26, 2019
Haiharan taidekeskuksen Talli, Kartano ja Runebergin mökki Kaukajärvellä - mikä ihana ympäristö vaellella näyttelyiden välillä, järven rantaan ja kahvilaan! Tallissa on mainio "Etsijät" -näyttely: Teemu Luodon (s.1941) keramiikkaa ja Jukka Tuomisen (s.1958) maalauksia. Luodon kasvotutkielmat ovat hurmaavia, materiaalin käsittely upeaa ja jokainen persoona ihan erilainen. Kukaan näistä hahmoista ei katso suoraan eteen, ne ovat hiukan poissaolevan ja salaperäisen näköisiä, joillakin on auki vain toinen silmä. Nämä keramiikkakasvot houkuttelevat kehittelemään tarinoita, taustoja. Ja samaa tekevät Tuomisen tummat ja arvoitukselliset maalaukset maisemista, vedestä ja sumusta. Kartanossa on esillä Sara Hildén-akatemian ja Tampereen seudun työväenopiston kurssien lopputöitä, ja pari virkattua tai sekatekniikkatyötä saivat hymyn huulille. Runebergin mökissä pursuaa kaikenlaista käsityötä yli äyräittensä Interin kesäpuodissa, omat linoni, kortit ja pyyhkeet sopivat mukavasti joukkoon.
Stable (Talli), Manor (Kartano) and Runeberg's Cottage at Haihara Art Center in Kaukajärvi, Tampere - what a lovely surroundings to wander between exhibitions, to the shore of the lake and back to the cafeteria.! In the Stable there is a fabulous "Searchers" exhibition : Teemu Luoto's (b. 1941) ceramics and Jukka Tuominen's (b. 1958) paintings. Luoto's face studies are fascinating, the handling of the material is masterly, and every person is different. Not one of these characters is looking straight ahead, they look a bit absent and mysterious, some have only the other eye open. These ceramic faces tempt you to develop stories, backgrounds. Ans the same applies to Tuominen's dark and mysterious paintings of landscapes, water, and fog. In the Manor there are final woks of several courses at the Sara Hildén Academy and Adult Education Center of Tampere and surroundings, and a couple of crocheted or mixed media works made me smile. Runeberg's Cottage's summer shop if full of all kinds of handicrafts by the members of Interi, and my linos, cards and towels are fitting finely in.
Stable (Talli), Manor (Kartano) and Runeberg's Cottage at Haihara Art Center in Kaukajärvi, Tampere - what a lovely surroundings to wander between exhibitions, to the shore of the lake and back to the cafeteria.! In the Stable there is a fabulous "Searchers" exhibition : Teemu Luoto's (b. 1941) ceramics and Jukka Tuominen's (b. 1958) paintings. Luoto's face studies are fascinating, the handling of the material is masterly, and every person is different. Not one of these characters is looking straight ahead, they look a bit absent and mysterious, some have only the other eye open. These ceramic faces tempt you to develop stories, backgrounds. Ans the same applies to Tuominen's dark and mysterious paintings of landscapes, water, and fog. In the Manor there are final woks of several courses at the Sara Hildén Academy and Adult Education Center of Tampere and surroundings, and a couple of crocheted or mixed media works made me smile. Runeberg's Cottage's summer shop if full of all kinds of handicrafts by the members of Interi, and my linos, cards and towels are fitting finely in.
Minna Lumiluoto |
Pia Toivonen |
toukokuuta 25, 2019
Tänään avataan Varkaudessa Väinölän taidekeskuksessa kesän suuri naivistinen yhteisnäyttely ILOA - ELÄMÄÄ. NAIVISTIT VARKAUDESSA 27.5. - 24.8.2019. Näyttely on Väinölän taidekeskuksessa, jota johtavat Marja-Muusa ja Timo Hämäläinen. Olen nyt itse mukana ensimmäistä kertaa tässä Varkauden naivistisessa näyttelyssä. Seiniltä löytyy kymmenisen linopiirrostani, ja kortteajkin on myynnissä.
Today will be opened in Varkaus at Väinölä Art Center this summer's great Naïve artists group exhibition called JOY - LIFE. NAÏVE ARTISTS IN VARKAUS 5/27 - 8/24, 2019. This exhibition is at Väinölä Art Center, which are directed by Marja-Muusa and Timo Hämäläinen. I will now participate at this Naïve Art happening in Varkaus for the first time. On the walls there will be about ten of my linocuts plus cards on sale.
Today will be opened in Varkaus at Väinölä Art Center this summer's great Naïve artists group exhibition called JOY - LIFE. NAÏVE ARTISTS IN VARKAUS 5/27 - 8/24, 2019. This exhibition is at Väinölä Art Center, which are directed by Marja-Muusa and Timo Hämäläinen. I will now participate at this Naïve Art happening in Varkaus for the first time. On the walls there will be about ten of my linocuts plus cards on sale.
kuva: Esa Leppänen |
toukokuuta 23, 2019
Himmelblaussa on kaksi upeaa näyttelyä taas kerran. Samuli Heimosen (s. 1975) "Mahdollinen susi" on galleriatilassa. Susia tai koiran tapaisia susia on seinät täynnä. Isommat ovat akryyli ja öljymaalauksia, pienemmät hiili ja pastellipiirustuksia. Erityisesti näiden susien silmät vangitsevat, katse on hiukan surumielinen ja silmät kiiltävät kosteina, oransseina. Myös eläinten turkki on joissakin kuvissa kuin pilveä tai ruohoa. Muutamassa isommassa taulussa on psykedeelisen näköistä kuviointia, ja yhdessä makaa suden päällä jänis. Grafiikanpajan parvella on Kirsi Neuvosen (s. 1960) värikästä grafiikkaa. Tutut puvut kuvioineen ovat edelleen tosi kauniita: päivänkakkaroita, mustikkaa, mansikkaa, tulppaaneja, ruiskaunokkeja, kieloja ja auringonlaskua.
Once again there are at Himmelblau two gorgeous exhibitions. Samuli Heimonen's (b. 1975) "Possible Woolf" is in the gallery space. The walls are filled with wolves or dog-like wolves. The bigger ones are acrylic & oil paintings, smaller are charcoal & pastel drawings. Especially the eyes of these wolves are gripping, the look is a bit sad and the eyes are gleaming moist, orange. Also the fur of the animals is in some pictures like cloud or grass. There are psychedelic patterns in a few bigger paintings, and in one picture is a hare lying on the back of a wolf. Kirsi Neuvonen's (b. 1960) colourful graphics are on the balcony of the printing room. The familiar dresses with their patterns are still really beautiful: daisies, blueberries, strawberries, tulips, lilies of the valley, cornflowers, and a sunset.
Once again there are at Himmelblau two gorgeous exhibitions. Samuli Heimonen's (b. 1975) "Possible Woolf" is in the gallery space. The walls are filled with wolves or dog-like wolves. The bigger ones are acrylic & oil paintings, smaller are charcoal & pastel drawings. Especially the eyes of these wolves are gripping, the look is a bit sad and the eyes are gleaming moist, orange. Also the fur of the animals is in some pictures like cloud or grass. There are psychedelic patterns in a few bigger paintings, and in one picture is a hare lying on the back of a wolf. Kirsi Neuvonen's (b. 1960) colourful graphics are on the balcony of the printing room. The familiar dresses with their patterns are still really beautiful: daisies, blueberries, strawberries, tulips, lilies of the valley, cornflowers, and a sunset.
toukokuuta 22, 2019
Naivistit Iittalassa -kesänäyttelyn yhteydessä on tänäkin vuonna 2019 ihana AulaShop. Kaupasta saa ostokset heti mukaan, ja tarjolla on monenlaista omaksi tai lahjaksi sopivaa taidetta. Suurin osa tuotteista on kesänäyttelyssä olevien taiteilijoiden tekemiä: maalauksia, veistoksia, kortteja, t-paitoja, kasseja, julisteita tai koruja. Aulassa on minunkin linopiirroksiani kehystettynä ja ilman kehyksiä, kortteja, pikatatuointeja ja keittiöpyyhkeitä. Silmiin osui muutama pini työ suurissa, leveissä kehyksissä: Pirkko Pullinen-Valtosen ja Heli Pukin kissat.
In connection with the Naïve Artists in Iittala exhibition there is also this summer 2019 the lovely LobbyShop. You have your purchases straight with you, and there really are a variety of art to buy for yourself or for a present. Most of the products are made by the artists in the exhibition: paintings, sculptures, cards, t-shirts, bags, posters, and pieces of jewelry. In the LobbyShop there are also my linocuts framed and unframed, cards, instant tattoos, and kitchen towels. I spotted some small paintings in big, broad frames: Pirkko Pullinen- Valtonen's and Heli Pukki's cats.
In connection with the Naïve Artists in Iittala exhibition there is also this summer 2019 the lovely LobbyShop. You have your purchases straight with you, and there really are a variety of art to buy for yourself or for a present. Most of the products are made by the artists in the exhibition: paintings, sculptures, cards, t-shirts, bags, posters, and pieces of jewelry. In the LobbyShop there are also my linocuts framed and unframed, cards, instant tattoos, and kitchen towels. I spotted some small paintings in big, broad frames: Pirkko Pullinen- Valtonen's and Heli Pukki's cats.
toukokuuta 21, 2019
Tampereen taidemuseossa oli von Wright-veljesten lintu- ja maisemaalausten näyttely. Jostain kumman syystä aiemmin pitämäni lintukuvat eivät nyt kiinnostaneet. Ehkä niissä oli liikaa kuolleita, täytettyjä tai tapettuja lintuja. Useimmat työt olivat Ferdinand von Wrightin (1822-1906), ja maisemissa oli kauniita kansallisromanttisia kuvia. Ihailin erityisesti taivasta ja pilviä kuvissa sekä yhtä taulua täynnä kuIvuneita oksia. Museon alakerrassa Taru Mäntysen (s. 1944) pronssiveistukset koskettivat. Eläimiä niissäkin oli, mutta ne olivat osaksi inhimillisiä, tunteikkaita ja herkkiä. Materiaalinkäsittely oli mestarillista, näitä töitä on varmasti ollut nautinto tehdä.
An exhibition of brothers von Wright's bird and landscape paintings was at Tampere art Museum. For some strange reason I was now not interested in their bird pictures, which I used to like years ago. Perhaps there were too many dead, stuffed or killed birds. Most of the paintings were by Ferdinand von Wright (1822-1906), and some landscapes were beautiful National Romantic views. I admired especially skies and clouds in the paintings and also one picture full of dry twigs. In the downstairs at the museum there were Taru Mäntynen's (b. 1944) bronze sculptures, and they touched me. There were also animals but they were like human, full of feelings and very sensitive. The handling of materials was masterly, these works must have been fun to make.
An exhibition of brothers von Wright's bird and landscape paintings was at Tampere art Museum. For some strange reason I was now not interested in their bird pictures, which I used to like years ago. Perhaps there were too many dead, stuffed or killed birds. Most of the paintings were by Ferdinand von Wright (1822-1906), and some landscapes were beautiful National Romantic views. I admired especially skies and clouds in the paintings and also one picture full of dry twigs. In the downstairs at the museum there were Taru Mäntynen's (b. 1944) bronze sculptures, and they touched me. There were also animals but they were like human, full of feelings and very sensitive. The handling of materials was masterly, these works must have been fun to make.
toukokuuta 20, 2019
Kissakortti: 309 / Cat Card: 309
Japanilainen Hiroshige (1797-1858) oli viimeisiä suuria ukiyo-e -mestareita eli moniväristen puupiirrosten tekijöitä. Hiroshigen aiheet olivat yleensä arkipäiväisiä ja kotoisia. Niin on tämäkin kuva kissoista. Työ ei ole puupiirros, vaan mustepiirustus. Kissat ovat pesulla, nukkumassa, tai kiskottelemassa. Piirroksen jälki on vauhdikasta, luonnosmaista ja voi melkein tuntea ilon, jolla nämä pikaiset kissakuvat on toteutettu.
Japanese Hiroshige (1797-1858) was one of the last great ukiyo-e masters i.e. makers of colourful woodcuts. Hiroshige's subjects were usually out of his domestic life and homely. And so is also this picture of cats. The art work is not a woodcut but a ink drawing. The cats are washing themselves, sleeping or stretching. The marks of the drawing are speedy, sketchy and you can almost feel the joy with which these cat shapes are executed.
Japanese Hiroshige (1797-1858) was one of the last great ukiyo-e masters i.e. makers of colourful woodcuts. Hiroshige's subjects were usually out of his domestic life and homely. And so is also this picture of cats. The art work is not a woodcut but a ink drawing. The cats are washing themselves, sleeping or stretching. The marks of the drawing are speedy, sketchy and you can almost feel the joy with which these cat shapes are executed.
toukokuuta 19, 2019
Tämän kesän Naivistit Iittalassa -näyttely on nyt avattu, ja kokonaisuus on taas mahtava: noin 800 työtä yli 40 taiteilijalta. Tämän kesän 2019 teemana on Uskalla iloita, ja iloa näyttelyssä riittää: riehakasta, haikeaa, hilpeää, rohkeaa ja lapsenomaista. Kuraattorina toimi Hannu Castrén ja käytännön asioista vastasi Ulla Heinonen.
The Naïve Artists in Iittala exhibition for this summer is now open, and the whole shebang is once again awesome: about eight hundred art works from over forty artists. The theme for this summer 2019 is Dare to Rejoice, and there really is a lot of joyfulness in this exhibition: boisterous, wistful, jolly and childlike. The curator was Hannu Castrén and Ulla Heinonen was in responsibility of all the practical matters.
oma seinäni linopiirroksia / my own wall of linocuts |
Kati Mikola |
Kikka Nyrén |
Riitta Kolari |
Kåira / Rauni Koivisto |
Margit Hakanen / yksityiskohta lasimaalauksesta Margit Hakanen /detail of a stained glass |
Marit Björnegran |
Merja Nykänen-Naukkarinen |
Mia Bergqvist |
Esa Leppänen |
Eino Viikilä |
Minna Iso-Lähteenmäki |
Petra Heikkilä |
Petra Heikkilä |
Pirkko Pullinen-Valtonen |
Reijo Kivijärvi |
Seija Levanto |
Sergei Arhipov |
Aimo Vuorinen |
Stina Engvall |
Inka Hannula |
Raija Männistö-Koski |
Heli Laaksonen |
Esa Leppänen,
Kati Mikola,
Kikka Nyrén,
Margit Hakanen,
Marit Björnegran,
Mia Bergqvist,
Minna Iso-Lähteenmäki,
Naivistit Iittalassa,
Petra Heikkilä,
Rauni Koivisto,
Sergei Arhipov
Blogitekstit (Atom)