Englantilaisen Julian Trevelyanin (1910-1988) litografia "Emmanuel College" on tunnelmallinen, juuri tällainen rauhallinen, seestynyt ja ehkä sateinen tunnelma vallitsee Cambridgen yliopistossa. Värit ovat murretut, vihreää ja harmaata. Vanhan rakennuksen holvikaarien alla on pimeää, ja polkupyörä koreineen on jätetty portin pieleen. Aukeata nurmikkoa reunustavat vanhat kivilaatat. Ja musta kissa on lähtenyt retkelleen.
English Julian Trevelayan's (1910-1988) lithograph "Emmanuel College" is atmospheric, just this kind of peaceful, serene and perhaps a little rainy mood prevails in the University of Cambridge. The colours are broken, green and gray. Its dark under the arches of the old building, and a bicycle with it's basket has been left beside the gate. The open green is bordered by old paving stones. And a black cat has left for his/hers excursion.
- LINOPIIRROKSET (ennen 2020) / LINOCUTS (before 2020)
- PISPALA 2024
- PISPALA (2023)
- PISPALA (2022)
- PISPALA (ennen 2022) / (before 2022)
- LILLY BERLIN - sarjakuva/ comic strip
tammikuuta 30, 2017
tammikuuta 26, 2017
Toinen versio linoleikkauksestani "Kissa joka uneksi olevansa taiteilija" on kissa, joka uneksi olevansa venäläinen Aleksander Rodchenko. Taulu on tehty osaksi tussilla ja osaksi pastellilla. Aiemmin tein samasta aiheesta version, jossa kissa uneksi olevansa Akseli Gallen-Kallela. Sarja varmaan tästä vielä jatkuu.
The second version of my linocut "Cat Who Dreamed He/She Was an Artist" is a cat, who dreamed he was Russian Aleksander Rodchenko. The painting is made partly with ink and partly with pastel. Earlier I made a version of the same subject, and in that linocut the cat dreamed he was Akseli Gallen-Kallela. Surely this series will be continuing.
Akseli Gallen-Kallela
The second version of my linocut "Cat Who Dreamed He/She Was an Artist" is a cat, who dreamed he was Russian Aleksander Rodchenko. The painting is made partly with ink and partly with pastel. Earlier I made a version of the same subject, and in that linocut the cat dreamed he was Akseli Gallen-Kallela. Surely this series will be continuing.
Akseli Gallen-Kallela
tammikuuta 23, 2017
Kissakortti:188 / Cat Card: 188
Sveitsiläis/ranskalaisen Felix Vallottonin (1865-1925) Huilu-puupiirroksessa ei ole mitään turhaa. Mustien ja valkoisten alueiden tasapaino ja rytmi ovat täydelliset. Valkoinen kissa kuuntelee huilun ääntä ja soittajan valkoiset kädet ja kasvot sekä huilu erottuvat taustastaan. Soittajan toinen silmä tarkkailee kissaa. Ainut myönnytys koristeellisuudelle ovat rokokookaapin kullatut osat.
There is nothing out of order in Swiss/French Felix Vallotton's (1865-1925) woodcut La Flute. The balance and rhythm between black and white areas is perfect. The white cat is listening the sound of the flute, and the white hands, flute and face of the player are standing out from the background. One of the player's eyes is observing the cat. The only concession to the decorativeness are the golden parts of the Rococo cabinet.
There is nothing out of order in Swiss/French Felix Vallotton's (1865-1925) woodcut La Flute. The balance and rhythm between black and white areas is perfect. The white cat is listening the sound of the flute, and the white hands, flute and face of the player are standing out from the background. One of the player's eyes is observing the cat. The only concession to the decorativeness are the golden parts of the Rococo cabinet.
tammikuuta 17, 2017
Tämä on jo kuudes muunnelma Pispalan haulitorni -linoleikkauksesta. Nyt tein taustan lumisateen pastellipiirroksena. Ehkä tässä on jo seuraava joulukortti.
This is already the sixth version of my linocut of Pispala Shot Tower. Now I made the snowfall in the background as a pastel drawing. Why not, this might be next Christmas card.
This is already the sixth version of my linocut of Pispala Shot Tower. Now I made the snowfall in the background as a pastel drawing. Why not, this might be next Christmas card.
tammikuuta 16, 2017
Kissakortti:187 / Cat Card: 187
Retrokortti esittelee ihmisperheen ihanteen kissaperheenä. Vanhemmat ovat siististi puettuja. Äiti lukee ja isä tutkailee maailmaa monokkeliensa läpi. Miksei lapsikissalla ole vaatteita? Lapsi näyttääkin hiukan eksyneeltä ja surulliselta.
This retro card displays the ideal human family as a cat family. The parents are neatly dressed. The mother reads and the father explores the world through his monocles. Why does the child cat have no clothes. The child seems to be a bit lost and sad.
This retro card displays the ideal human family as a cat family. The parents are neatly dressed. The mother reads and the father explores the world through his monocles. Why does the child cat have no clothes. The child seems to be a bit lost and sad.
tammikuuta 13, 2017
Vietin tuulista päivää Helsingissä ja mikä onkaan silloin mukavampaa kuin käydä muutamassa taidenäyttelyssä. Ateneumin Modigliani-näyttelyssä odotukseni olivat nähtävästi liian isot. Muotokuvat pitkäkasvoisista naisista olivat jo aika tuttuja ja lukuisat luonnospiirustukset eivät oikein avanneet uusia näkymiä. Amadeo Modiglianin (1884-1920) tyylihän on hyvin persoonallinen, tunnistettava, hiukan alakuloinen, ahdistunut, kauniit värit. Kansallismuseon Italiasta lainattu renessanssi-näyttely ihastutti. Maalaukset olivat värikkäitä, muotokuvat yleviä ja arvokkaan kauniita. Jos loputtomat pulleat Jeesus-lapset toistuvat, niin takana aukeavat maisemat ja asetelmat ovat taivaallisia. Löysin jopa kissan yhdessä taulussa pöydän alta. Poikkesin myös pieneen tm-galleriaan Tomi Dufvan ja Matti Kallion näyttelyssä, joka oli myös performanssia: "Keskusteluja koneen kanssa". Matti Kallion suuret mustepiirrokset seinillä pursuivat muotoja ja henkilöitä. Runsauden vastakohtia olivat Tomi Dufvan pienet koneet, joiden tekniikkaa ei mitenkään oltu piilotettu. Koneiden kynät piirsivät jatkuvaa viivaa vienosti hyristen. Matti Kallio piirsi lattialla isolle paperille viivaa yhdessä pienen liikkuvan ja pyörivän kynäkoneen kanssa. Viivan teko on niin inhimillistä, teki sitä sitten kone tai ihminen.
I spent a very windy day in Helsinki, and what could be nicer than visit a couple of art exhibitions. Apparently my expectations were too high in Ateneum's Modigliani exhibition. Portraits of long-faced women were already quite familiar, and several sketches and drawings didn't open any new views. Amadeo Modigliani's (1884-1920) style is very personal, recognizable, a bit melancholy, anguished, beautiful colours. The National Museum of Finland's exhibition of The Renaissance on lone from Italy was delightful. The paintings were colourful, portraits elevated and stately beautiful. If the endless plumb Jesus children are repeated, in the background there are opening heavenly landscapes and still-lifes. I even found a cat in one painting under the table. Then I popped at the small tm-gallery in Tomi Dufva's and Matti Kallio's exhibition, which was also a performance: "Discussions with a Machine". Matti Kallio's large ink drawings on the walls were flooded by forms and people. Contrasts to the profusion were Tomi Dufva's small machines, and their technique was not hidden any way. The pens of the machines draw continuing line softly humming. Matti Kallio was drawing on the floor on a large white paper lines together with a small circling and moving round pen machine. It's so human to draw a line, was it done by a machine or a man.
I spent a very windy day in Helsinki, and what could be nicer than visit a couple of art exhibitions. Apparently my expectations were too high in Ateneum's Modigliani exhibition. Portraits of long-faced women were already quite familiar, and several sketches and drawings didn't open any new views. Amadeo Modigliani's (1884-1920) style is very personal, recognizable, a bit melancholy, anguished, beautiful colours. The National Museum of Finland's exhibition of The Renaissance on lone from Italy was delightful. The paintings were colourful, portraits elevated and stately beautiful. If the endless plumb Jesus children are repeated, in the background there are opening heavenly landscapes and still-lifes. I even found a cat in one painting under the table. Then I popped at the small tm-gallery in Tomi Dufva's and Matti Kallio's exhibition, which was also a performance: "Discussions with a Machine". Matti Kallio's large ink drawings on the walls were flooded by forms and people. Contrasts to the profusion were Tomi Dufva's small machines, and their technique was not hidden any way. The pens of the machines draw continuing line softly humming. Matti Kallio was drawing on the floor on a large white paper lines together with a small circling and moving round pen machine. It's so human to draw a line, was it done by a machine or a man.
tammikuuta 12, 2017
Charles Sandisonin (s. 1969) huima valoteos "now/here" galleria Himmeblaun yhteydessä vanhassa tehdassalissa ihastuttaa. Suuressa pimeässä tilassa harhailevat miljoonat pienet valopisteet. Aluksi niitä oli Suomen asukasluvun verran (5 488 543), mutta kukin piste elää vain noin 130 sekuntia. Pisteet juoksentelevat tilassa kuin ihmiset, kokoontuvat, eroavat, lisääntyvät ja kuolevat. Taustalla humisevat projektoreiden äänet kuin maailmankaikkeus. Tässä huoneessa tuntee melkein leijuvansa avaruudessa - aika menettää merkityksensä, Ihmispisteet muodostavat seinille ja lattiaan outoja kuvioitaan ja niiden puuhakas touhu melkein naurattaa.
Charles Sandison's (b. 1969) wild light installation "now/here" in connection with Gallery Himmelblau in an old factory hall is enchanting. In the massive dark space there are wandering millions of small light dots. At the beginning there were as many dots as there are people in Finland (5 488 543), but each dot lives only about 130 seconds. The dots are running around in the space like people, gathering, parting, multiplying and dying. At the background there are the whirring sounds of the projectors like the universe. In this room you fell almost like floating in the space - time loses its meaning. Human dots are forming their strange patterns on the walls and floor, and their lively hustle makes you almost laugh.
Charles Sandison's (b. 1969) wild light installation "now/here" in connection with Gallery Himmelblau in an old factory hall is enchanting. In the massive dark space there are wandering millions of small light dots. At the beginning there were as many dots as there are people in Finland (5 488 543), but each dot lives only about 130 seconds. The dots are running around in the space like people, gathering, parting, multiplying and dying. At the background there are the whirring sounds of the projectors like the universe. In this room you fell almost like floating in the space - time loses its meaning. Human dots are forming their strange patterns on the walls and floor, and their lively hustle makes you almost laugh.
tammikuuta 11, 2017
Tuukka Peltosen (s. 1975) puupiirrokset galleria Saskiassa kannattaa katsoa tarkemmin. Isommat työt ovat täynnä päällekkäisiä muotoja, värit ovat luonnonläheisiä, sameitakin ja puupiirroksen eri kerrokset luovat niihin syvyyttä. Kuvisssa on ihmishahmoja jonkinlaisessa maisemassa. Puun lehdistöt , maaston muodot ja huonekasvit toistuvat. Lähemmin katsoen isot puupiirrokset tuntuvat teknisesti aika suuritöisiltä. Työt on vedostettu monessa osassa ja varmasti monesta palasestakin hyvin ohuelle paperille, joka on liimattu kankaalle. Pidin erityisesti muutaman pienemmän työn japanilaisesta hengestä, huoneiden bambukaihtimista. erilaisista kuvioista ja ihmisten tatuointien väreistä. Peltosen oma luonnehdinta töistä kuvaa niitä hyvin: "Puupiirroksissani ihminen on maisemassa joka on osa hänen sisäistä tarinaansa". Katsoja luo ehkä puupiirroksiin omaa tarinaansa.
It pays off to watch closer Tuukka Peltonen's (b. 1975) woodcuts in Gallery Saskia. The larger works are full of overlapping shapes, colours are close to nature, even muddy, and the several layers of woodcut create a lot of depth to them. There are some humans in the pictures in some kind of landscapes. The branches of trees, shapes of landscapes and potted plants are recurring. When looking at these woodcuts closer, they seem to be quite laborious. The pictures are printed in many parts and surely from many pieces on a very thin paper, which is then clued on the canvas. Especially I liked the atmosphere in a few smaller Japanese-inspired woodcuts, the bamboo screens in the rooms, different patterns and colours of the tattoos on people's arms. Peltonen's own characterization of the woks reflects them finely. "In my woodcuts people are in the landscape which is a part of his/her own inner story". The viewer can perhaps create his/her own story to these woodcuts.
It pays off to watch closer Tuukka Peltonen's (b. 1975) woodcuts in Gallery Saskia. The larger works are full of overlapping shapes, colours are close to nature, even muddy, and the several layers of woodcut create a lot of depth to them. There are some humans in the pictures in some kind of landscapes. The branches of trees, shapes of landscapes and potted plants are recurring. When looking at these woodcuts closer, they seem to be quite laborious. The pictures are printed in many parts and surely from many pieces on a very thin paper, which is then clued on the canvas. Especially I liked the atmosphere in a few smaller Japanese-inspired woodcuts, the bamboo screens in the rooms, different patterns and colours of the tattoos on people's arms. Peltonen's own characterization of the woks reflects them finely. "In my woodcuts people are in the landscape which is a part of his/her own inner story". The viewer can perhaps create his/her own story to these woodcuts.
tammikuuta 10, 2017
Taina Sahlanderin luontokuvien näyttely galleria Rongassa on tyylikäs. Taina on kuvannut jo muutaman vuoden makroja, kuvia luonnon yksityiskohdista: kasveista, hyönteisistä, sadepisaroista, vedestä ja erilaisista tekstuureista. Nyt mukana on isompiakin maisemia, metsää puineen ja väreineen.
Taina Sahlander´s exhibiton of nature photograps in Gallery Ronga is stylish. Taina has been taking macro photos already for a few years, pictures of nature's details: plants, insects, rain drops, water and many different textures. Now there are in this exhibition also wider landscapes, forest with its trees and colours.
Taina Sahlander´s exhibiton of nature photograps in Gallery Ronga is stylish. Taina has been taking macro photos already for a few years, pictures of nature's details: plants, insects, rain drops, water and many different textures. Now there are in this exhibition also wider landscapes, forest with its trees and colours.
tammikuuta 09, 2017
Kissakortti: 186 / Car Card: 186
Martin Lemanin (s. 1934) kissakortit ovat huippua. Tässä kuvassa seisovat vierekkäin Penny Black ja Tiffany Tortoiseshell. Molempien valkoiset tassut ja kaulurit erottuvat hyvin tummasta taustasta. Näitä kissoja ei pompotella, tuimat katseet ja jähmettynyt asentokin sen kertovat.
Martin Leman's (b. 1934) cat cards are the top. Penny Black and Tiffany Tortoiseshell are standing side by side in this picture. Their white paws and chests separate finely from the dark background. These cats will not be bounced around, even the stern looks and solidified postures are telling you that.
Martin Leman's (b. 1934) cat cards are the top. Penny Black and Tiffany Tortoiseshell are standing side by side in this picture. Their white paws and chests separate finely from the dark background. These cats will not be bounced around, even the stern looks and solidified postures are telling you that.
tammikuuta 03, 2017
Gallery Art Pispala's already the 10th January exhibition of Naïve Art was opened January 2nd, 2017 and it is open till the end of the month, Monday-Friday 10-17, Saturday 10-14 and Sunday 12-17. The exhibition was already full of eager spectators, and at the same time with me there happened to be also artists Reijo Kivijäri and Hannu Hirsivuori. My own works are on the wall by a window neatly from the floor to the ceiling, and there are still more unframed linocuts in a basket and a lot of cards. There are in this exhibition over 200 art works from at least 20 artists. After a while looking at this astonishing quantity I found myself smiling again at the differences between female and male Naïvists. Women's subjects are often animals, nature, countryside or the world of the fairy tales: Katja Mesikämmen, Minna Lehväslaiho, Mia Bergqvist, Anita Backlund and Kia-Maria Aho. The colours in women's art are usually bright and warm. Even I feel that I belong to this group, even though I make graphics, there are houses and cats in my linocuts. In men's art there are more visible humorous and satirical nuances after the legacy of Martti Innanen, and the long names of the paintings are also inherited from Innanen. Reijo Kivijärvi's cucumber mask, Matti Laine's is hockey idol, and Christian Jütte's Johnny Cash moneybox make me laugh. A couple of men separate from this humorous line: Jeroma Tabell's mystic and to me earlier unknown artist, Risto's sunny worlds, also Hannu Hirsivuori's delicious wooden relief Log Chopper and Hannu Riikonen's intense coloured painting, in which you can find numerous astonishing patterns.
Kia-Maria Aho |
Anita Backlund |
Mia Bergqvist |
Katja Mesikämmen |
Minna Lehväslaiho |
Martti Innanen |
Reijo Kivijärvi |
Esa Leppänen |
Matti Laine |
Hannu Hirsivuori |
Christian Jütte |
Jeroma Tabell |
Hannu Riikonen |
Risto |
Anita Backlund,
Christian Jütte,
Esa Leppänen,
Hannu Hirsivuori,
Hannu Riikonen,
Jeroma Tabell,
Katja Mesikämmen,
Kia-Maria Aho,
Martti Innanen,
Matti Laine,
Mia Bergqvist,
Minna Lehväslaiho,
Reijo Kivijärvi
tammikuuta 01, 2017
Kissakortti: 185 / Cat Card: 185
Englantilaisen kuvittajan ja taidegraafikon Robert Tavenerin (1920-2004) litografian nimi on "Cats at Work" (Kissat töissä). Kuvassa on värinä vain kylmän sinistä, mikä tekee siitä ilmavan, kevyen ja viileän. Litografiasta löytyy monenlaisia kuvioita: kirjahylly, kirjapino, avattu kirja silmälaseineen, ruudullinen tyyny, tuolin selkänoja, ikkunankarmit, parvekkeen kaide, raidallinen matto ja sydämenmuotoiset kasvin lehdet. Tuolilla istuva kissa ei kyllä näytä tekevän töitä, vai onko kyseessä kissan työ? Toinen kissa selvästikin vahtii kaiteella olevia lintuja - työtä sekin.
English illustrator and printmaker Robert Tavener's (1920-2004) lithograph is called "Cats at Work". The only colour in the picture is cold blue, which makes the it airy, light and cool. There are many patterns in the lithograph: the book shelf, stack of books, opened book with spectacles, checkered pillow, back of the chair, window panes, railing of the balcony, striped rug, and heart-shaped leaves of the plant. the cat sitting on the chair doesn't seem to be working hard, or is this cat's job? The other cat on the floor is clearly monitoring birds on the rail - that's work too.
English illustrator and printmaker Robert Tavener's (1920-2004) lithograph is called "Cats at Work". The only colour in the picture is cold blue, which makes the it airy, light and cool. There are many patterns in the lithograph: the book shelf, stack of books, opened book with spectacles, checkered pillow, back of the chair, window panes, railing of the balcony, striped rug, and heart-shaped leaves of the plant. the cat sitting on the chair doesn't seem to be working hard, or is this cat's job? The other cat on the floor is clearly monitoring birds on the rail - that's work too.
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