Aikomus on vedostaa linopiirrokseen Ylös! Alas! värillinen reunus. Aiemmat vastaavat kokeilut tehdä yhdestä linonpalasesta monivärinen vedostus ovat johtaneet aikamoiseen sotkuun ja eri värien rajat ovat sotkeentuneet. Seuraan facessa Linocut Friends-sivustoa, ja sieltä sain idean leikata eri värisiksi tarkoitetut linonpalat irti erikseen. Linocut Friendsit tekevät tosi hurjiakin monivärisiä linopiirroksia ns. Zigzag-tekniikalla. Tämä omani on aika suoraviivainen, vain neliö linopiirroksen keskeltä leikataan irti. Nyt voi kummallekin osalle levitää eri värin ja yhdistää osat vedostettaessa. Mutkikkaampikin Zigzag-kuvio voisi kiinnostaa tehdä jatkossa.
My aim is to print to my linocut Up! Down! a colored border. Earlier similar experimentations to make a multicolored print from one piece linocut have ended in a big mess, and the borders between different colors have been messed up. I follow in the Facebook a page called Linocut Friends, and from there I got the idea to cut apart the linocut pieces which are intended to be separate. Linocut Friends are making quite wild multi colored linocuts with a technique called Zigzag. This my two part lino is quite straight forward, only the square in the middle of the linocut is cut off. Now I can spread a different color on these separate pieces and combine them when printing. I really am interested to make a more complicated Zigzag pattern in the future.
Ylös Alas! kaiverrusta / Up! Down! carving
Ylös Alas! lisää kaiverrusta / Up! Down! more carving
Ylös! Alas! mustavalkoinen / Up! Down! Black and White
- LINOPIIRROKSET (ennen 2020) / LINOCUTS (before 2020)
- PISPALA 2024
- PISPALA (2023)
- PISPALA (2022)
- PISPALA (ennen 2022) / (before 2022)
- LILLY BERLIN - sarjakuva/ comic strip
elokuuta 31, 2019
elokuuta 28, 2019
YLÖS! ALAS! mustavalkoinen / UP! DOWN! Black and white
Vedostin Ylös! Alas! -linopiirroksesta mustavalkoisen version. Aika tumma siitä tuli. Seuraavaksi aikomus on vedostaa sellainen versio, jossa reunat ovat värilliset. Sitä varten keskiosa linopiirroksesta on leikattava irti, jotta värit eivät levitettäessä sotkeennu.
I printed a black and white version of my linocut Up! Down!. It is quite dark. Next i plan to print a colored version so that the border is colored. For this purpose I have to cut the middle part off so that the colors don't mix when spreading colors.
Ylös Alas! kaiverrusta / Up! Down! carving
Ylös Alas! lisää kaiverrusta / Up! Down! more carving
I printed a black and white version of my linocut Up! Down!. It is quite dark. Next i plan to print a colored version so that the border is colored. For this purpose I have to cut the middle part off so that the colors don't mix when spreading colors.
Ylös Alas! kaiverrusta / Up! Down! carving
Ylös Alas! lisää kaiverrusta / Up! Down! more carving
elokuuta 26, 2019
Kissakortti:324 / Cat Card: 324
Lilian Cheviotin (1876-1936) maalauksessa on kaksi kissamirriä (Two Pussy Cats), musta ja mustavalkoinen. Muuten kissat ovat identtiset, pörrökarvaiset ja nappisilmäiset. Jokin kiinnostaa kumpaakin taulun ulkopuolella vasemmalla. Mustasta kissasta tulee mieleen ToveJanssonin satuhahmo Mörkö. Tausta on maalattu kauniisti impressionistisella otteella herkin pastellivärein.
Lilian Cheviot's (1876-1936) painting is portraying two pussy cats, one is black and the other one black and white. Otherwise the cats are identical, fluffy fur and button eyes. Both cats are interested in something on the left outside the picture. The black cat reminds me of Tove Jansson's fairy tale character Mörkö (The Ghost). The background is painted beautifully with an Impressionist touch and with gentle pastel colors.
Lilian Cheviot's (1876-1936) painting is portraying two pussy cats, one is black and the other one black and white. Otherwise the cats are identical, fluffy fur and button eyes. Both cats are interested in something on the left outside the picture. The black cat reminds me of Tove Jansson's fairy tale character Mörkö (The Ghost). The background is painted beautifully with an Impressionist touch and with gentle pastel colors.
elokuuta 25, 2019
YLÖS! ALAS! lisää kaiverrusta / UP! DOWN! More Carving
Uuden linopiirroksen keskiosa alkaa hahmottua : kaksi kissaa rappusissa. Suunnittelin tehdä tämän linon keskiosan mustapohjaisena. Toinen kissa on vaaleampi, pilkullinen. Nyt arveluttaa, erottuuko tummempi raidallinen kissa tarpeeksi hyvin taustastaan.
The middle part for my new linocut starts to take a shake : two cats on the stairs. I planned to make the middle of this lino with a black background. The other cat is lighter, spotted. Now I have scruples if the darker striped cat is standing enough from the background.
The middle part for my new linocut starts to take a shake : two cats on the stairs. I planned to make the middle of this lino with a black background. The other cat is lighter, spotted. Now I have scruples if the darker striped cat is standing enough from the background.
elokuuta 24, 2019
YLÖS! ALAS! -kaiverrusta / UP! DOWN! Carving
Aloitin toisen aika ison 30 x 30 cm graafisen kissalinon kaiverruksen. Tässäkin on koristeellinen reunus, jossa nyt on palmikoitu nauha ja tammenterhoja. Kuvan keskelle tulee raput, joita pitkin kapuaa toinen kissa ylös ja toinen tulee alas. Kulmissa on tammenterhot. Muistan, miten toin vuosia sitten kissalle maahan pudonneita terhoja. Niitä oli hauska heitellä ympäri lattioita, Ne pitivät ääntä kuin pienet helistimet.
I started carving another quite large cat lino, 30 x 30 cm. This linocut also has a decorative border, now there is a braided ribbon and acorns. In the middle of the picture there will be stairs, one cat is ascending and the other one is descending. Acorns are in the corners. I remember how I many years ago brought home acorns fallen from the trees. It was fun to trow the acorns around the floors. They sounded like little rattles.
I started carving another quite large cat lino, 30 x 30 cm. This linocut also has a decorative border, now there is a braided ribbon and acorns. In the middle of the picture there will be stairs, one cat is ascending and the other one is descending. Acorns are in the corners. I remember how I many years ago brought home acorns fallen from the trees. It was fun to trow the acorns around the floors. They sounded like little rattles.
elokuuta 22, 2019
Margit Hakanen´s exhibition of her glass and ceramic works is now at Runeberg's Cottage at Haihara Art Center. I admire in Margit's art especially her ability to combine her ceramic birds with found stones and wood or discarded objects. You can also find rapid sparks of humor, which is so typical for Naïve artists. In Haihara Art Center's other buildings, at Kartano and Talli there are works by artists from Tampere - Düsseldorf Artists-in-Residence, and Juhani Tuomi's Naïve Art-style large paintings made me smile.
elokuuta 19, 2019
Kissakortti: 323 / Cat Card: 323
Martti Innasen (1931-2014) naivistisessa maalauksessa talo on vallattu. 23 ihmishahmoa vilkuttelee, katselee tai heiluttaa julistetta talon ikkunoissa. Rappaus rapisee kadulle seinistä paljastaen tiiliä. Erilaisia iskulauseita näkyy: "Tämä talo on vallattu!", "Kortsut on ihan jees!", Lenin antaa hudaa Jeesukselle!" ja "013 R-kiskalle! toivoo Väinö-Irmeli ja Jorma-Kaarina!" Tunnelma on aika synkkä, värit tummia. Iskulauseissa on Innaselle tyypillistä huumoria. Yleensä Innasen tauluissa kissat ovat mustia, mutta tässä keltainen kissa pissaa talon kivijalkaan. Osoittaako se mieltään talon valtaukselle?
There is a squat in the Naïve Art painting by Martti Innanen (1931-2014).Twenty three human characters are waving, looking out or swinging banners from the windows of the building. Plaster is rattling down from the walls of the house revealing tiles. some slogans are visible: " This house is occupied!", "Condoms are quite yes!", Lenin gives a turf to Jesus!", "013 to R-kiosks! wishes Väinö-Irmeli and Jorma-Kaarina!". The atmosphere is rather grim, colours are dark. IN the slogans there is some humour typical to Innanen. Usually cats in Innanen's paintings are black, but here a yellow cat is pissing against the foundation of the building. Is the cat demonstrating to the squat?
There is a squat in the Naïve Art painting by Martti Innanen (1931-2014).Twenty three human characters are waving, looking out or swinging banners from the windows of the building. Plaster is rattling down from the walls of the house revealing tiles. some slogans are visible: " This house is occupied!", "Condoms are quite yes!", Lenin gives a turf to Jesus!", "013 to R-kiosks! wishes Väinö-Irmeli and Jorma-Kaarina!". The atmosphere is rather grim, colours are dark. IN the slogans there is some humour typical to Innanen. Usually cats in Innanen's paintings are black, but here a yellow cat is pissing against the foundation of the building. Is the cat demonstrating to the squat?
elokuuta 17, 2019
Kissoille on tehty mitä mielikuvituksellisempia leikkikaluja, kuten tunneleita. Kissat nähtävästi haluavat ryömiä tällaisia suojaisia, hämäriä tunneleita pitkin, juosta nopeasti läpi tai joka nukkua tunnelissa. Tässä pienessä (10 x 15 cm) linopiirroksessa kolme kissaa leikki tunnelin kanssa, yksi on juuri tulossa ulos, yksi menossa sisälle ja yksi jonottaa vuoroaan.
Cats have the most imaginative toys, like tunnels. Cats apparently like to crawl along these sheltered, dim tunnels, run fast trough or even sleep in a tunnel. In this small (10 x 15 cm) linocut three cats are playing with a tunnel, one of them is just coming out, one is getting in and one is waiting for her turn.
Cats have the most imaginative toys, like tunnels. Cats apparently like to crawl along these sheltered, dim tunnels, run fast trough or even sleep in a tunnel. In this small (10 x 15 cm) linocut three cats are playing with a tunnel, one of them is just coming out, one is getting in and one is waiting for her turn.
elokuuta 15, 2019
The Pispala Steps seem to be a endless source of inspiration for me. Now in this new linocut a cat is stretching on the steps, and an another one is balancing on the rail. The Pispala steps are known as a very challenging training ground, where the athletes are seen jumping up and down the steps, and surely are also stretching after or before their training. The steps seem to almost reach the sky, and a couple of people are standing just on top of the stairs. The houses are nice to carve. I especially like in this picture the white parts on two of the houses, they bring some kind of contrast to the picture in my mind.
elokuuta 13, 2019
Tampereella ilmestyy ruoka- ja kulttuurilehti Pintxo. Olen ihan innoissani, sillä ei se ole ihan jokapäiväinen juttu, että linopiirrosten tekijä noteerataan lehtijutussa. Pääsin mukaan lehden toiseen numeroon. Linopiirros kissasta Pispalan portaissa on lehden kannessa ja sivuilla 18-19 on aukeaman juttu linohommistani. Jutun tekijä Mikko Reinikka oli käynyt kuvaamassa myös Iittalan naivistisen taideaseman katoksen, jossa seinät on tehty kahdesta linopiirroksestani. Lehteä on jaossa useissa ravintoloissa ja kahviloissa Tampereen seudulla (luettelo jakelupaikoista sekä koko lehden digiversio löytyvät netistä sivulta
Food & culture magazine Pintxo is published in Tampere. I'm quite exited because it's not an everyday thing that my linocuts are mentioned in a magazine article. My linocuts are mentioned in the second number of Pintxo. A lino of a cat on the Pispala steps is on the cover of the magazine, and on the pages 18-19 there is an artcle of my lino works. The writer of this story. Mikko Reinikka, had even visited Iittala Naïve Art Station and photographed the train shelter with two walls made of my linos. The magazine will be distributed in restaurants and cafes around Tampere (a list of distribution places and the digital version of the whole magazine are in the net on the page
Food & culture magazine Pintxo is published in Tampere. I'm quite exited because it's not an everyday thing that my linocuts are mentioned in a magazine article. My linocuts are mentioned in the second number of Pintxo. A lino of a cat on the Pispala steps is on the cover of the magazine, and on the pages 18-19 there is an artcle of my lino works. The writer of this story. Mikko Reinikka, had even visited Iittala Naïve Art Station and photographed the train shelter with two walls made of my linos. The magazine will be distributed in restaurants and cafes around Tampere (a list of distribution places and the digital version of the whole magazine are in the net on the page
elokuuta 12, 2019
Kissakortti: 322 / Cat Card: 322
Susan Herbertin sarjassa kissoista maailmantaiteen mestariteoksina (Cats in Art) on nyt vuorossa versio Jan van Eyckin maalauksesta Turbaanipäinen mies (Man in a Turban), 1433. Punainen turbaani on aika tarkka kopio alkuperäisesta kuvasta. Samoin molemmilla, miehellä ja kissalla, on aika vakava, epäilevä ja perääntymätön ilme. Kissan silmät kiiltävät kirkkaan sinisinä ja viikset erottuvat tummasta taustasta. Kissan keltaiset ja valkoiset juovat kasvoissa toistavat hauskasti miehen kasvoryppyjä.
In Susan Herbert's series of Cats in Art it's now the turn for a version of Jan van Eyck's painting Man in a Turban, 1433. The red turban is quite a precise copy of the original picture. Likewise, both the man and the cat have a similar serious, suspicious and unyielding expression on their face. The eyes of the cat are glimmering bright blue, and the whiskers separate from the dark background. The yellow and white stripes on the face of the cat replicate finely the wrinkly face of the man .
In Susan Herbert's series of Cats in Art it's now the turn for a version of Jan van Eyck's painting Man in a Turban, 1433. The red turban is quite a precise copy of the original picture. Likewise, both the man and the cat have a similar serious, suspicious and unyielding expression on their face. The eyes of the cat are glimmering bright blue, and the whiskers separate from the dark background. The yellow and white stripes on the face of the cat replicate finely the wrinkly face of the man .
elokuuta 11, 2019
Tämä linopiirros kissoista lahjapaketeissa oli alunperin idea joulukortiksi ja lahjapaketit oli väritetty jouluisiksi. Mutta miksei tämä kuva voisi olla ihan vaan onnittelukortti minkä tahansa aiheen johdosta? Väritinkin lahjapaketit vihreällä, keltaisella ja sinisellä.
This linocut of cats in gift boxes was originally an idea for a Christmas card, and the gift boxes were coloured red. But why not, could this picture be just a greeting card for what ever reason? So I coloured the gift boxes green, yellow and blue.
Pakettikissat / Cats in Boxes
Värillinen pakettikissat / Cats in Boxes Coloured
This linocut of cats in gift boxes was originally an idea for a Christmas card, and the gift boxes were coloured red. But why not, could this picture be just a greeting card for what ever reason? So I coloured the gift boxes green, yellow and blue.
Pakettikissat / Cats in Boxes
Värillinen pakettikissat / Cats in Boxes Coloured
elokuuta 10, 2019
Onni-koira omenoineen oli aluksi joulukorttiaihe, jossa omenat olivat punaiset. Sitten syntyi myös versio, jossa omenat ovat vihreitä. Nyt omenista tuli keltaiset, ja taustana käytin tummempaa sinitaivasta. Tässä linografiassa taivas on yksi pala linoa, koira, oksat ja kehys toinen pala linoa. Omenat väritin käsin tusseilla.
Onni the dog with his apples was at first a Christmas card idea, and the apples were red. Then there was also a version with green apples. But now the apples are yellow, and as the background I used the one with a darker blue sky. In this linograph the sky is one piece of lino, the dog, the branches and the frame are another piece of lino. I coloured the apples by hand with marker pens.
Omenat /Apples
Omenat: tumma vai vaalea / Apples: dark or light
Onni the dog with his apples was at first a Christmas card idea, and the apples were red. Then there was also a version with green apples. But now the apples are yellow, and as the background I used the one with a darker blue sky. In this linograph the sky is one piece of lino, the dog, the branches and the frame are another piece of lino. I coloured the apples by hand with marker pens.
Omenat /Apples
Omenat: tumma vai vaalea / Apples: dark or light
elokuuta 09, 2019
PURNU 2019
Oriveden Taidekeskus Purnulla on historiaa takanaan jo 50 vuotta. Purnun näyttelypaviljongit syntyivät kuvanveistäjä Aimo Tukiaisen verstaan ympärille, ja hänen kuoltuaan säätiö on ylläpitänyt alueen näyttelytoimintaa. Toista vuotta kesänäyttelyä kuratoivat nyt Eerika Malkki ja Jari Granholm, joilla on vankka tausta monen vuoden näyttelytoiminnasta Orimattilan Villa Roosassa. Tuntuu siltä, että heidän kokoamassaan suomalaisen nykytaiteen katselmuksessa taiteilijoilla pitää olla jotain jujua tai särmää töissään, eikä huumorikaan ole haitaksi. Lumous on näyttelyn teema, ja se tarkoittanee myös sitä että kuraattorit ovat näistä töistä lumoutuneet. Paviljonkien taide on kaunista ja ajatuksia herättävää, eikä siinä ole joskus nykytaiteessa näkyvää rumuutta tai synkkyyttä. Tästä näyttelystä jää hyvä mieli. Aimo Tukiaisen veistoksista puistossa ilahdutti keskellä järvimaisemaa hiihtävä Veikko Hakulinen. Paviljongeissa katseen kiinnittivät Lauri Laineen selkänsä kääntävät muusikot värikkäinen kaapuineen, Kati Immosen herkät kasviaiheet, Ola Kolehmaisen mahtipontiset valokuvakollaasit ja Berit Talpsepp-Jaanisoon mestarilliset ja teknisestikin kiinnostavat veistokset.
Purnu Art Center in Orivesi has a long history, already 50 years. The exhibition pavillions were born around sculptor Aimo Tukiainen's workshop, and after his death the foundation has maintained this summer exhibition. Eerika Malkki and Jari Granholm are curating the exhibition now for the second year. They have a strong experience in organizing art exhibitionsfor some years in Villa Roosa in Orimattila. It seems that the Finnish artists in a modern art exhibition curated by them must have some kind of point or special idea in their work, and some humour is not a disadvantage. Enchantment is the theme of the exhibition, and it I I think it means that also the curators have been enchanted by these artists and their works. The art in the pavillions is beautiful and thought-provoking, and there is not sometimes in modern art visible ugliness and gloom. This exhibition leaves you in good mood. From Aimo Tukiainen's sculptures in the park I admired Veikko Hakulinen skiing in the middle of the lake view. In the pavillions I was fascinated especially by Lauri Laine's musicians turning their backs in their colourful robes, Kati Immonen's gentle plant paintings, Ola Kolehmainen's flamboyant photo collages and Berit Talpsepp-Jaanisoo's Masterly and also technically interesting sculptures.
Purnu Art Center in Orivesi has a long history, already 50 years. The exhibition pavillions were born around sculptor Aimo Tukiainen's workshop, and after his death the foundation has maintained this summer exhibition. Eerika Malkki and Jari Granholm are curating the exhibition now for the second year. They have a strong experience in organizing art exhibitionsfor some years in Villa Roosa in Orimattila. It seems that the Finnish artists in a modern art exhibition curated by them must have some kind of point or special idea in their work, and some humour is not a disadvantage. Enchantment is the theme of the exhibition, and it I I think it means that also the curators have been enchanted by these artists and their works. The art in the pavillions is beautiful and thought-provoking, and there is not sometimes in modern art visible ugliness and gloom. This exhibition leaves you in good mood. From Aimo Tukiainen's sculptures in the park I admired Veikko Hakulinen skiing in the middle of the lake view. In the pavillions I was fascinated especially by Lauri Laine's musicians turning their backs in their colourful robes, Kati Immonen's gentle plant paintings, Ola Kolehmainen's flamboyant photo collages and Berit Talpsepp-Jaanisoo's Masterly and also technically interesting sculptures.
elokuuta 07, 2019
Väritin omenat punaisiksi tussikynillä tässä linopiirroksessa, josta suunnittelen joulukorttia. Nyt naapurin Onni-koira on keskellä maahan pudonneita joulunpunaisia omenia ja pari on koiralla suussaankin. Eiköhän tästä voi tehdä myös muun kuin joulukorttikuvan? Väritinkin omenat vihreiksi. Molemmissa on taustana aika vaalea sinertävä taivas, joka on vedostettu linonpalasella.
I coloured the apples red in this linocut, which I plan to use as a printed Christmas card. Now Onni the neighbor's dog is in the middle of fallen Christmasy red apples, and couple are even in the mouth of the dog. Could it be possible to make this picture something else too, not just a Christmas card? So I coloured the apples green. Both of these pictures have a light bluish sky, which was printed from a separate piece of lino.
Omenat /Apples
Omenat: tumma vai vaalea / Apples: dark or light
I coloured the apples red in this linocut, which I plan to use as a printed Christmas card. Now Onni the neighbor's dog is in the middle of fallen Christmasy red apples, and couple are even in the mouth of the dog. Could it be possible to make this picture something else too, not just a Christmas card? So I coloured the apples green. Both of these pictures have a light bluish sky, which was printed from a separate piece of lino.
Omenat /Apples
Omenat: tumma vai vaalea / Apples: dark or light
Christmas card,
elokuuta 05, 2019
Kissakortti:321 / Cat Card: 321
Ostin tämän kortin Tallinnasta KUMU-taidemuseosta. Sekä maalauksen tekijä Sally von Kügelgen (1860-1928) että muotokuvan kohde Sophie Menter olivat minulle tuntemattomia tekijöitä, mutta kuvassa kiinnostikin tietenkin kissa. Kissa on kultaisen keltainen, jopa silmät hehkuvat kilpaa Menterin sormusten kanssa. Katse on jotenkin kärsimätön, ehkä kissaa kiinnostavat taiteilijan siveltimen liikkeet. Kügelgen oli virolainen taiteilija, joka maalasi tämän muotokuvan saksalaisesta pianisti/säveltäjä Menteristä vuonna 1907.
I bought this card at KUMU Art Museum in Tallinn. Both the maker of the painting Sally von Kügelgen (1860-1928) and and the subject of the painting Sophie Menter were unknown to me, but the point of interest in the picture was of course the cat. The cat is golden yellow, even her eyes are glowing as bright as Menter's rings. The expression is somehow impatient, perhaps the cat was interested in the movements of the artist's brushes. Kügelgen was an Estonian artits, who painted this portrait of German pianist/composer Menter in 1907.
I bought this card at KUMU Art Museum in Tallinn. Both the maker of the painting Sally von Kügelgen (1860-1928) and and the subject of the painting Sophie Menter were unknown to me, but the point of interest in the picture was of course the cat. The cat is golden yellow, even her eyes are glowing as bright as Menter's rings. The expression is somehow impatient, perhaps the cat was interested in the movements of the artist's brushes. Kügelgen was an Estonian artits, who painted this portrait of German pianist/composer Menter in 1907.
elokuuta 04, 2019
Tumma vai vaalea, siinäpä pulma? Vedostin uuden joulukorttiaiheisen linopiirroksen taivaan siniseksi erillisen linopiirroksen avulla, ja nyt pitäisi päättää, onko parempi tumma vai vaalea taivas kun aion värittää käsin koiran suussa ja maassa olevat omenat punaisiksi.
Dark or light, that is the question? I printed the sky blue with the aid of a separate linocut for my new Christmas card idea, and now I should decide which is better, darker or lighter sky when I will hand colour the apples in the mouth of the dog and on the ground red.
Omenat /Apples
Dark or light, that is the question? I printed the sky blue with the aid of a separate linocut for my new Christmas card idea, and now I should decide which is better, darker or lighter sky when I will hand colour the apples in the mouth of the dog and on the ground red.
Omenat /Apples
Christmas card,
elokuuta 03, 2019
A new subject for a Christmas card is a dog and Christmas apples. The inspiration is my neighbor's dog Onni, who has gnawed in his mouth couple of apples that have fallen to the earth, and the ground is full of fallen red apples. I plan to hand colour the apples. I wanted a blue sky on the black and white linocut, so I made a separate piece of sky as a linocut, only there are holes in the places of the apples. I will try it out, which is better for the red apples, darker or lighter sky.
Christmas card,
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