Lisää pieniä linopiirroksia syntyy muiden töiden ohessa. Nämä ovat vain noin 5 x 5 cm kokoisia, Linot balettitossuista ja lenkkikengistä ovat kuvitusta lastenhuoneen seinälle. Kuva linopiirrosten työkaluista, kaivertimista ja telasta saattaisi toimia eräänlaisena logona.
More small linocuts are popping up between other works. These are sized only about 5 x 5 cm. The two linos of ballet shoes and sneakers are illustration for a children´s room wall. The picture of linocut tools, engraving blades and a roller might work as some kind of logo.
- LINOPIIRROKSET (ennen 2020) / LINOCUTS (before 2020)
- PISPALA 2024
- PISPALA (2023)
- PISPALA (2022)
- PISPALA (ennen 2022) / (before 2022)
- LILLY BERLIN - sarjakuva/ comic strip
helmikuuta 27, 2019
helmikuuta 25, 2019
Kissakortti: 297 / Cat Card: 297
The painting Four Kittens by C. Wilson is from the 1800´s. Somewhat frightened or melancholy looking kittens are clustered together seemingly on the floor of a barn. These kittens should be probably called cute, but that doesn't quite work. The kittens feel a bit like some creatures from the space with their enormous ears - like sails or butterflies.
helmikuuta 23, 2019
I made some background as monoprints/monotypes also for my linocut of an Swallowtail butterfly. It was fun to experiment different techniques and colours with these. Usually the background is a monoprint and the butterfly a linocut. I used Gelli plate to make the backgrounds. I spread the colour, pieces of plants or lace on the Gelli plate, then I covered the place of the butterfly with a plastic stencil and printed that on a paper pressing by hand. When the background was dry, I printed the linocut of the Swallowtail butterfly on its place. On some of the pictures I pressed the colour of the stencil under the linocut. On some of the pictures I added coloured ink under the wings before printing. Some of the butterflies I printed green. There is even silver glitter on some wings. These Swallowtail butterflies are sized 15 x 15 cm, and there is about ten of them different ones.
helmikuuta 21, 2019
Tarvitsin kuvitukseksi pienen lelutraktorin kuvan. Ensin tein kuvan linopiirroksena mustalla pohjalla. Sitten kaiversin mustan taustan pois. Yhteen versioon lisäsin nimikirjaimeni linopirroksena ja punaisella leimasinvärillä painettuna. Traktori on tosi pieni: vain 4 x 5,5 cm. En sitten kuitenkaan käyttänyt tätä traktoria siihen tarkoitukseen, johon sen tein. Oli se silti hauska kaivertaa suurennuslasin avulla.
I needed a picture of a toy tractor for an illustration. First I made a linocut with a black background. Then I carved the black background away. I added a linocut of my initials on on e of the pictures and printed them with red stamp pad ink. The tractor is really small: 4 x 5,5 cm. At the end I didn´t use this tractor for the purpose I made it. Still, it was fun to carve with some aid of a magnifying glass.
helmikuuta 19, 2019
My experiments with combining monoprint and linocut are continuing. Usually the background in these butterfly pictures is monoprint and the butterfly is linocut. But now there are a few versions, where only the black outlines of the butterfly are linocut. THis is made by spreading colour only on the outer edges of the linocut. You can find all kind of new things when you are experimenting, and these try outs of monoprint-linocuts were fun to make. The size of these butterfly pictures is 15 x 15 cm.
helmikuuta 18, 2019
Kissakortti: 296 / Cat Card: 296
Amerikkalainen symmetrinen kissamaalaus The Cat (Kissa) on noin vuodelta 1840. Tätä voinee kutsua kansantaiteeksi, primitiiviseksi tai naivistiseksi, miksei surrealistiseksikin. Keskellä, vihreällä nurmikolla on valtava kissanpää. Silmät näyttävät hiukan syyllisiltä ja suussa roikkuu kuollut lintu. Kissan saaliin lajitoveri ihmettelee tilannetta oikealla olevassa puussa, ja vasemmalla katsoo muualle punainen lintu. Kissan viikset on maalattu hienosti.
The American symmetrical cat painting The Cat is from circa 1840. You could call this folk art. Primitive or Naïve art, why not even Surrealist. In the middle a huge head of a cat is on the green grass. The eyes seem to be a bit guilty. and a dead bird is hanging from her mouth. A bird of the same genre as the prey is wondering the situation on the tree on the right side and on the left side a red bird is looking elsewhere. The whiskers of the car are painted finely.
The American symmetrical cat painting The Cat is from circa 1840. You could call this folk art. Primitive or Naïve art, why not even Surrealist. In the middle a huge head of a cat is on the green grass. The eyes seem to be a bit guilty. and a dead bird is hanging from her mouth. A bird of the same genre as the prey is wondering the situation on the tree on the right side and on the left side a red bird is looking elsewhere. The whiskers of the car are painted finely.
helmikuuta 14, 2019
Viisi (!) kissaa katselee penkiltä järvelle. Idea oli tehdä linopiirroksena taas uusi alaosa isommille töille, joissa on taivasta ja pilviä pastellipiirroksina yläosassa. Taivaalla voisi olla kuu, ja järven pinnalle heijastuu kuunsilta. Tämä alaosa toimi minusta yksinkin sellaisenaan. Lisäsin kuunsillalle kullanväristä kiillettä. Tämän osan koko on 20 x 30 cm. Ideana mielessäni oli Pyynikin harjulla oleva näköalapaikka, jossa on penkki ja hieno näkymä Pyhäjärvelle.
Five (!) cats are watching the lake from a bench. The idea was to make again a linocut for a bottom part for a bigger work with a pastel sky and clouds on the upper part. There might be a moon in the sky. and a moon bridge would be reflected on the surface of the lake. This bottom part is functioning to my mind as such alone. I added some golden glitter on the moon bridge. The size of this part is 20 x 30 cm. The idea in my mind was a bench on the vantage point in Pyynikki national park with a fine view to the lake Pyhäjärvi.
Five (!) cats are watching the lake from a bench. The idea was to make again a linocut for a bottom part for a bigger work with a pastel sky and clouds on the upper part. There might be a moon in the sky. and a moon bridge would be reflected on the surface of the lake. This bottom part is functioning to my mind as such alone. I added some golden glitter on the moon bridge. The size of this part is 20 x 30 cm. The idea in my mind was a bench on the vantage point in Pyynikki national park with a fine view to the lake Pyhäjärvi.
helmikuuta 12, 2019
Amerikkalaisen Kiki Smithin (s. 1954) näyttely täyttää koko Sara Hildénin taidemuseon. Teokset on tehty useilla eri tekniikoilla: veistoksia, piirroksia, grafiikan vedoksia ja tekstiilitöitä. Aiheena oli elämä ja erityisesti ihmisen fysiikka, elämänkaari. Lasiin valetut jalat hehkuivat kauniin vihreinä, erilaiset sisäelimet roikkuivat seinällä ja siniset lasisilmät tuijottivat pronssipäissä. Pidin erityisesti suurista tekstiilitöistä, niitä oli koko huoneellinen. Värit olivat kauniita ja tekstuurit upeita. Lintuja oli töissä paljon, ehkä vertauskuvaa vapaudesta, pois lentämisestä. Yksi grafiikan lehti, luontoaiheinen, oli upea, mukana oli kultausta kasvin lehdissä. Näyttely oli tyylikäs, hieno läpileikkaus taitavan taiteilijan työstä.
Sara Hildén´s Art Museum in Tampere is filled with American Kiki Smith´s (b. 1954) exhibition. The works have been done with several techniques: sculpture, graphics, drawing and textiles. The subjects are the life and specially the human physics, lifespan. Feet cast in glass are glimmering beautifully green, different human innards are hanging on the wall and the blue glass eyes are staring from the bronze heads. I liked especially the large textile works, there were a whole room full of them. The colours are beautiful and the textures gorgeous. There are a lot of birds in the works, perhaps like symbols for freedom, flying away. One sheet of graphics, nature-themed is magnificent, with gold plate on the leaves of a plant. The exhibition is stylish, a fine cross-section of the work of a skillful artist.
helmikuuta 11, 2019
Kissakortti: 295 / Cat Card: 295
Kortissa on kolme kissaa, kaikilla silmät kiinni. Jotenkin kuitenkin tuntuu, että kissat ovat hyvin tietoisia keskellä olevasta kalasta. Posket punoittavat innosta napata se ensimmäisenä. Kuka ehtii ensin. En ole ihan varma tämän lulu & helinan kortin tekniikasta, piirustus vai kollaasi? Yksinkertaisen tehokkaat muodot ja kuviot kortissa ainakin on.
There are three cats on this card, all have their eyes shut. Somehow it feels like all the cats are very aware of the little fish in the middle of them. Their cheeks flush with excitement to catch the fish. Who gets first? I´m not sure of the technique of this card by lulu & helina, a drawing or a collage? At least the shapes and patterns on the card are simple and effective.
There are three cats on this card, all have their eyes shut. Somehow it feels like all the cats are very aware of the little fish in the middle of them. Their cheeks flush with excitement to catch the fish. Who gets first? I´m not sure of the technique of this card by lulu & helina, a drawing or a collage? At least the shapes and patterns on the card are simple and effective.
helmikuuta 07, 2019
"Tuulensuojassa" on uusi pieni kissalino, 10 x 15 cm. Pieni kissa on isomman kissan sylissä piilossa järveltä puhaltavalta tuulelta. Mielessäni oli tätä tehdessä joku Pyynikin rinteellä oleva näköalapaikka ja penkki. Järvi taustalla on siis Pyhäjärvi.
"Shelter From the Wind" is a new small cat lino, 10 x 15 cm. A small cat is in the lap of an bigger cat hiding from the wind blowing from the lake. I had in my mind one of the vantage points and a bench on Pyynikki ridge. So the lake in the background is Pyhäjärvi.
"Shelter From the Wind" is a new small cat lino, 10 x 15 cm. A small cat is in the lap of an bigger cat hiding from the wind blowing from the lake. I had in my mind one of the vantage points and a bench on Pyynikki ridge. So the lake in the background is Pyhäjärvi.
helmikuuta 04, 2019
Kissakortti: 294 / Cat Card: 294
"Kesä: Kissa kaiteella" on alun perin ranskalais-sveitsiläisen Theophile-Alexandre Steinleinin (1859-1923) värilitografia vuodelta 1909. Kuvan ruskeat värit hehkuvat vasemmalta tulevassa kirkaassa keltaisessa auringon valossa. Kissa laiskottelee puukaiteella pensaan varjossa. Kaikki tekstuurit on kuvattu hienosti: kissan kirjava turkki, taustan lehdet kuin tapetti ja kaidepuun syyt. Kissan viirusilmät hohtavat keltaisina.
"Summer: Cat on a Balustrade" is originally French-Swiss Theophile-Alexandre Steinlein's (1859-1923) color lithography from the year 1909. The brown hues are glowing in the yellow light of the sun streaming from the left. The cat is lazying on a wooden balustrade in the shadow of a bush. all the textures are depicted finely: the colourful fur of the cat, the leaves in the background like a wallpaper and the wood on the balustrade. The thin eyes of the cat are flashing yellow.
"Summer: Cat on a Balustrade" is originally French-Swiss Theophile-Alexandre Steinlein's (1859-1923) color lithography from the year 1909. The brown hues are glowing in the yellow light of the sun streaming from the left. The cat is lazying on a wooden balustrade in the shadow of a bush. all the textures are depicted finely: the colourful fur of the cat, the leaves in the background like a wallpaper and the wood on the balustrade. The thin eyes of the cat are flashing yellow.
helmikuuta 03, 2019
Ollessaan afrikkalaisessa taiteilijresidenssissä Riiko Sakkinen sai idean: hän pyysi paikallista juliste- ja mainosmaalari Louis Houenoudea maalaamaan valokuvien perusteella muotokuvia maailman poliittisista johtajista. Maalari taisi kuvista tunnistaa vain paavin. Maalaukset voi nyt nähdä galleria Himmelblaun pop-up tilassa Himmeli 24/7:ssä. Voisiko näitä kutsua naivistisiksi, primitiivisiksi vai lapsenomaisiksi? Aika pelottavia kuvat ainakin ovat. Surullisia silmiä ja tiukkoja huulia. Ainut, joka hiukan yrittää hymyillä on melko tunnistamaton Theresa May, aikä hänelläkään kyllä ole mitään aihetta hymyyn. Vakava paikka tämä maailma, ainakin politiikan päättäjiä katsomalla.
Riiko Sakkinen got on idea while staying in an African artists residence: he asked if a local poster or advertisement painter Louis Houenoudea would paint portraits of world's political leaders based on some photograps. The painter recognized perhaps only one of them: the Pope. You can now see these paintings at Gallery Himmelblau's pop-up Himmeli 24/7. Could you call these paintings Naïve, Primitive or childlike art? At least the pictures are quite frightening. Sad eyes and tight lips. The only one who tries to smile is rather unidentified Theresa May, and even she has not any reason to smile. This world is a serious place, at least if you watch the political leaders.
Riiko Sakkinen got on idea while staying in an African artists residence: he asked if a local poster or advertisement painter Louis Houenoudea would paint portraits of world's political leaders based on some photograps. The painter recognized perhaps only one of them: the Pope. You can now see these paintings at Gallery Himmelblau's pop-up Himmeli 24/7. Could you call these paintings Naïve, Primitive or childlike art? At least the pictures are quite frightening. Sad eyes and tight lips. The only one who tries to smile is rather unidentified Theresa May, and even she has not any reason to smile. This world is a serious place, at least if you watch the political leaders.
helmikuuta 01, 2019
Tein taas huiman määrän monoprintti/monotype-pohjia linopiirrokselle sudenkorennosta. Näitä uusia vedoksia on nyt noin 50 kappaletta, ja kaikki ovat erilaisia. Käytin monoprinteissä kuvioiden tekoon ruohoja, pitsin palasia ja värejä ohuina tai paksuina kerroksina. Sudenkorennon muotoinen kalvonpalanen painettiin ennen paperille vedostusta värin päälle, jotta kuvaan jäi puhdas valkoinen pohja sudenkorento-linolle. Osaan monoprinteistä painoin sudenkorennon sapluunan, johon oli tarttunut telasta väriä. Suurin osa näistä sudenkorennoista sai vielä kiillettä siipiinsä. Nämä ovat aika pieniä kuvia, 10 x 10 cm. Itse en nyt osaa päättää, kummat ovat parempia, ne joissa on hento kuvio vai ne joissa on tummempi pohja.
I made again a huge amount of monoprints bases for my linocut of a dragonfly. These new prints there are now almost fifty pieces, and they are all different. I used grasses, laces and thin or thick layers of colours to make patterns on the bases. A piece of plastic or stencil shaped as a dragonfly was put on the colour before printing to get a clean white place to print later the lino of a dragonfly. On some of the bases I printed also the dragonfly stencil, which was coloured after spreading the colour with a roller. Most of these dragonflies got some glitter on their wings. These are quite small pictures, 10 x 10 cm. I can´t decide myself now which are better, the ones with thin and delicate pattern or the ones with a darker base.
I made again a huge amount of monoprints bases for my linocut of a dragonfly. These new prints there are now almost fifty pieces, and they are all different. I used grasses, laces and thin or thick layers of colours to make patterns on the bases. A piece of plastic or stencil shaped as a dragonfly was put on the colour before printing to get a clean white place to print later the lino of a dragonfly. On some of the bases I printed also the dragonfly stencil, which was coloured after spreading the colour with a roller. Most of these dragonflies got some glitter on their wings. These are quite small pictures, 10 x 10 cm. I can´t decide myself now which are better, the ones with thin and delicate pattern or the ones with a darker base.
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