Olen vuosien aikana
kerännyt aikamoisen määrän kissakortteja. Suuri osa korteista on hankittu
Lontoosta tai muilta matkoilta. Erityisesti British Museumin ja Victoria &
Albert museon kaupat ovat oikeita aarreaittoja kissakorttien kerääjälle. Useat
korteistani ovat taidekortteja.
Varmaan yksi maailman suosituimmista kissakorteista: Francisco de Goya y Lucientes: Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuñica vuodelta 1788. 127 x 101,6 cm kokoinen öljyvärimaalaus on Metropolitan of Art-museon kokoelmissa New Yorkissa. Viattomuutta, julmuutta, vankeutta, ahneutta, itsehillintää ja punaista väriä.
I have collected quite a
large number of cat cards over decades. Many of my cat cards have been purchased
in London or on other trips. Especially British Museum Shop and Victoria &
Albert Museum Shop are treasure-troves for a cat card collector. Several of my
cat cads are art cards.
This must be one of the most popular cat cards in the world: Francisco de Goya y Lucientes: Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuñica, painted in 1788. The oil painting is quite big, 127 x 101,6 cm, and it is in the collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Innocence, cruelty, imprisonment, greed, self-control and red colour.
- LINOPIIRROKSET (ennen 2020) / LINOCUTS (before 2020)
- PISPALA 2024
- PISPALA (2023)
- PISPALA (2022)
- PISPALA (ennen 2022) / (before 2022)
- LILLY BERLIN - sarjakuva/ comic strip
maaliskuuta 30, 2013
maaliskuuta 28, 2013
Tässä toinen öjlymaalaus opiskeluaikaisista ystävistäni: Marja-Leena. Tanka-runot olivat opiskelijapiireissä tuohon aikaan suosittuja, ehkä Tuomas Anhavan erinomaisten suomennosten takia.
Runo taulun yläkulmassa on japanilaisen Toshiyukin tanka.
Vaikka vielä ei voi
paljain silmin nähdä
että on syksy,
jokin tullen äänessä
saa minut värähtämään.
This is another oil painting of my friends from the time we were students: Marja-Leena. The poem on the upper corner is a Japanese tanka by Toshiyuki. These tanka poems were very popular in the student circles, perhaps because they were superbly translated by a Finnish poet Tuomas Anhava. This is very freely translated:
Even though you can not see
with a naked eye
that it is autumn,
something in the sound of the wind
makes me shiver.
Runo taulun yläkulmassa on japanilaisen Toshiyukin tanka.
Vaikka vielä ei voi
paljain silmin nähdä
että on syksy,
jokin tullen äänessä
saa minut värähtämään.
This is another oil painting of my friends from the time we were students: Marja-Leena. The poem on the upper corner is a Japanese tanka by Toshiyuki. These tanka poems were very popular in the student circles, perhaps because they were superbly translated by a Finnish poet Tuomas Anhava. This is very freely translated:
Even though you can not see
with a naked eye
that it is autumn,
something in the sound of the wind
makes me shiver.
maaliskuuta 24, 2013
Kissakorttien kokoelma 1. / Cat card collection 1.
Olen vuosien aikana kerännyt aikamoisen määrän kissakortteja. Suuri osa korteista on hankittu Lontoosta tai muilta matkoilta. Erityisesti British Museumin ja Victoria & Albert museon kaupat ovat oikeita aarreaittoja kissakorttien kerääjälle. Useat korteistani ovat taidekortteja.
Tämän valokuvan mököttävästä kissasta on ottanut Mitchell Simon Texasin Houstonissa vuonna 1987.
I have collected quite a large number of cat cards over decades. Many of my cat cards have been purchased in London or on other trips. Especially British Museum Shop and Victoria & Albert Museum Shop are treasure-troves for a cat card collector. Several of my cat cads are art cards.
This photograph of a sulking cat was taken by Mitchell Simon in 1987 in Houston, Texas.
Tämän valokuvan mököttävästä kissasta on ottanut Mitchell Simon Texasin Houstonissa vuonna 1987.
I have collected quite a large number of cat cards over decades. Many of my cat cards have been purchased in London or on other trips. Especially British Museum Shop and Victoria & Albert Museum Shop are treasure-troves for a cat card collector. Several of my cat cads are art cards.
This photograph of a sulking cat was taken by Mitchell Simon in 1987 in Houston, Texas.
maaliskuuta 21, 2013
Muotokuvat ovat aina kiinnostaneet minua. On niin lukemattomia tapoja ikuistaa henkilöitä paperille tai kankaalle. Toiset pyrkivät tarkkaan näköisyyteen melkein kuin valokuvaan. Jotkut tavoittelevat henkilön tunnelmaa väreillä tai muodoilla. Toiset taas ovat mestareita kuvaamaan henkilöä parilla viivalla. Valokuvaus on osaksi valloittanut muotokuvauksen, onhan se nopeaa, manipuloitavaa, muokattavaa ja monistettavaa. Henkilöstä tehty piirros tai maalaus on kuitenkin ihan oma juttunsa. Malli ja tekijä ovat olleet saman asian parissa pitkään. Toinen istuu ja toinen tekee piirrosta tai maalausta, jutellaankin. Muotokuvan teossa syntyy ihan oma pienoismaalimansa, kun kuvan tekijä yrittää saada paperille tai kankaalle mielikuvansa mallin sisäisestä maailmasta ja ulkoisesta olemuksesta.
Tämä ölyvärimaalaus on muotokuva ystävästäni Abbeystä on opiskeluajoilta, jolloin ihmisillä vielä oli aikaa istua mallina.
Portraits have always fascinated me. There is so very many ways to try and immortalize people on a piece of paper or canvas. Some seek an accurate resemblance almost like a photograph. Others try to catch the feeling of a person with colours and shapes. Some are masters describing a person with a couple of lines. Photographs have partly conquered the portraiture, it is so fast to edit, manipulate and duplicate a portrait. A drawing or painting of a person is however a thing of its own. The model or sitter and the artist or maker are working with the same matter for a while. The other one is sitting and the other one is making a drawing or a painting, perhaps they talk. A whole new microcosm is generating when you are making a portrait and trying to capture on a paper or canvas your vision of the inner feelings and the outer image of the model.
This oil painting is a portrait of my friend Abbey from the student times when people still had time to sit as a model for a portrait.
Tämä ölyvärimaalaus on muotokuva ystävästäni Abbeystä on opiskeluajoilta, jolloin ihmisillä vielä oli aikaa istua mallina.
Portraits have always fascinated me. There is so very many ways to try and immortalize people on a piece of paper or canvas. Some seek an accurate resemblance almost like a photograph. Others try to catch the feeling of a person with colours and shapes. Some are masters describing a person with a couple of lines. Photographs have partly conquered the portraiture, it is so fast to edit, manipulate and duplicate a portrait. A drawing or painting of a person is however a thing of its own. The model or sitter and the artist or maker are working with the same matter for a while. The other one is sitting and the other one is making a drawing or a painting, perhaps they talk. A whole new microcosm is generating when you are making a portrait and trying to capture on a paper or canvas your vision of the inner feelings and the outer image of the model.
This oil painting is a portrait of my friend Abbey from the student times when people still had time to sit as a model for a portrait.
maaliskuuta 14, 2013
Tein pienen (3 x 3 cm) linoleikkauksen nukkuvasta kissasta ja aloin nyt käyttää sitä logona, puumerkkinä tai leimana. Lisäsin logon Kissat korissa linoleikkauksen allle. Lisäsin logon myös kaksiosaisten korttien takasivulle. Kaikkiin töihin tämä logo ei varmasti sovi, mutta näissä se tuntuu toimivan.
I made a small (3 x 3 cm) linocut of a sleeping cat and I started now using it as a logo, signature or stamp. I added the logo under the linocut Cats in Basket and also on the backside of a double card. This logo might not suit to all the works, but it seems to be OK in these linos.
I made a small (3 x 3 cm) linocut of a sleeping cat and I started now using it as a logo, signature or stamp. I added the logo under the linocut Cats in Basket and also on the backside of a double card. This logo might not suit to all the works, but it seems to be OK in these linos.
maaliskuuta 09, 2013
Päivä Finlaysonin alueen museoissa / A Day in Finlayson Area Museums
Teemu Saukkonen |
In an old factory area Finlayson in Tampere there are at least three nice museums. You can easily search them during one afternoon.
Grafiikanpaja Himmelblaussa oli Teemu Saukkosen (s. 1954) maalauksia näyttelyssä "Freezing Point". Taulut ovat aika isoja, ekspressiivisiä, melkein reliefimäisiä värikasautumia. Värit ovat usein jotenkin likaisia, violetteja, harmaita, sinertävää. Yleensä tällainen tyyli ei sovi minulle, mutta Saukkosen tauluissa oli jotain melkein naivistista. Ne saivat hymyilemäänkin. Oli joulupukki, tonttulakki, karjapaimen ja luiperoita ihmisiä hiekkarannalla. Maisema oli hyvin suomalainen ja karun kaunis. Ihan kiinnostaa, mitä Saukkonen keksii seuraavaksi.
Teemu Saukkonen´s (b. 1954) paintings were in Graphic Workshop Himmelblau. The name of this exhibition was "Freezing Point". The paintings were big, expressive, masses of colour almost like reliefs. The colours were often somehow dirty, purple, grey, bluish. Usually this kind of style does not suit me. But Saukkonen´s paintings were almost naïve or primitive. They made me smile. There were a Santa Claus, a Christmas hat, a cowboy and skinny people on the beach. The landscape was very Finnish and roughly beautiful. I´m actually interested, what Saukkonen comes up with next.
Saana Wang |
TR1 Art Hall was full of all kind of material connected with the glamour of the beginning of 1900´s: extracts of old films, dresses, beauty treatment-related objects and photographs. However, I found Saana Wang`s (b. 1979) small exhibition of photographs: Hujialou more interesting. People had an old Chinese mask in the pictures, a strange opposite to inhospitable interiors. The idea of people in the turning point of old and new cultures came along finely.
Lita Cabellut |
A mixed collection of female Gypsy artists works was in The Finnish Labour Museum Werstas. Especially the big paintings of Lita Cabellut were gorgeous.
Glamour-näyttely/ exhibition |
maaliskuuta 06, 2013
Aihe kissasta värikkäiden lehtien ja hyönteisten keskellä jäi askarruttamaan sen verran, että tein uuden. Nyt väritin ensin taustan sinisellä ja keltaisella akryylivärillä. Syksyiset lehdet on aiempaan tapaan väritetty pastelliväreillä ja kissa pääosin hiilellä. Nyt lisäsin pienempiä lehtiä ja koppakuoriaisia ja kärpäsiä, jotka tein linoleumin palaista ja painoin kuvaan kuin leimasimella mustina, vihreinä tai punaisina. Aika värikäs tästä nyt ainakin tuli.
The idea of a cat among the colourful leaves and insects kept nagging in my mind so much that I made a new one of the same subject. Now I coloured the background first with blue and yellow acryl colour. The autumnal leaves I made with pastel colours as earlier and the cat is mostly charcoal. Now I added smaller leaves and beetles and flies that I made of linoleum pieces and pressed on the picture like small black, green or yellow stamps. At least it is now colourful.
The idea of a cat among the colourful leaves and insects kept nagging in my mind so much that I made a new one of the same subject. Now I coloured the background first with blue and yellow acryl colour. The autumnal leaves I made with pastel colours as earlier and the cat is mostly charcoal. Now I added smaller leaves and beetles and flies that I made of linoleum pieces and pressed on the picture like small black, green or yellow stamps. At least it is now colourful.
maaliskuuta 03, 2013
I made earlier a linocut Autumn, and it inspired me to try the same subject as a pastel drawing. I also used charcoal. A black cat is lying down in the grass when the wind carries around autumnal colourful leaves. A couple of small insects are lost among the leaves.
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