Tämä linoleikkaus sukkaa kutovasta kissasta syntyi pienen suomalaisen riimin innostamana. Tarkoituksena on lisätä teksti tähän kuvaan käsin.
Kissa istuu ikkunalla,
kutoo pientä sukkaa.
Älä itke tyttörukka,
itkus menee hukkaan.
This linocut of a cat knitting a sock was inspired by an old Finnish rhyme. My intention is to add the text to this linocut by hand.
Freely translated:
Cat is sitting on the windowsill,
knitting a small sock.
Don´t you cry poor girl,
your crying will be wasted.
- LINOPIIRROKSET (ennen 2020) / LINOCUTS (before 2020)
- PISPALA 2024
- PISPALA (2023)
- PISPALA (2022)
- PISPALA (ennen 2022) / (before 2022)
- LILLY BERLIN - sarjakuva/ comic strip
helmikuuta 27, 2015
helmikuuta 26, 2015
Pispalan harjulta / From Pispala Ridge
Olen tähän asti käyttänyt linoleikkauksissani aika paksuja papereita, yli 100 g painoisia. Nyt kokeilin eritysesti linoleikkauksiin tarkoitettua hyvin ohutta japanilaista paperia, painoa on vain 45 g. Paperi on melkein läpinäkyvää. Vedostus sille onkin helppoa. Väri tarttuu tasaisesti ja sitä ei tarvitse levittää ihan niin paljon kuin paksummalle paperille vedostettaessa. Vedostin linoleikkauksen kahdella värillä, mustalla ja erillisen kissan punaruskealla. Nyt on kyllä vaikea päättää, millaista paperia jatkossa käytän. Ehkä sellaiseen linoleikkaukseen, jossa on paljon yksityiskohtia, sopii tämä ohut paperi.
I have so far used rather thick papers, weighting over 100 g, when printing my linocuts. Now I tested especially for linocuts intended very thin Japanese paper, the weight is only 45 g. This paper is almost transparent. And it´s really easy to pull a picture on this paper. The colour sticks evenly and there is no need to use so much colour than printing on thicker paper. I pulled this linocut with two colours, black and brownish. Now it is really difficult to decide which paper to use in the future. Perhaps this thinner paper suits better to linocuts that have many details.
I have so far used rather thick papers, weighting over 100 g, when printing my linocuts. Now I tested especially for linocuts intended very thin Japanese paper, the weight is only 45 g. This paper is almost transparent. And it´s really easy to pull a picture on this paper. The colour sticks evenly and there is no need to use so much colour than printing on thicker paper. I pulled this linocut with two colours, black and brownish. Now it is really difficult to decide which paper to use in the future. Perhaps this thinner paper suits better to linocuts that have many details.
helmikuuta 25, 2015
Tein yhden uuden pienen kissalogo-linoleikkauksen (5 x 5 cm). Tämä kissa on paksu ja pyöreä, varmaan myös laiska. Kissan raidat tuovat jotenkin mieleeni Egyptin faaraot.
I made a new small cat logo linocut (5 x 5 cm). This cat is fat, round, and probably also lazy. The stripes of the cat remind me of Egyptian pharaohs.
I made a new small cat logo linocut (5 x 5 cm). This cat is fat, round, and probably also lazy. The stripes of the cat remind me of Egyptian pharaohs.
helmikuuta 23, 2015
Kissakortti: 87 / Cat Card: 87
Ginger Cat & Fern (Punakeltainen kissa & saniainen) on tämän englantilaisen Angela Hardingin kuvan nimi. Tekniikka on mielenkiintoinen: linoleikkaus ja silkkipaino. Silkkipainon värillisillä alueilla on saatu mustavalkoiseen linoleikkaukseen myös perspektiiviä ja syvyyttä. Kissa näyttää aika surulliselta, vai olisiko vain omissa ajatuksissaan. Angela Hardingin linoleikkaukset ja maalaukset linnuista ja kotiseutunsa Rutlandin maisemista ovat kauniita. Kissaa hänen taiteessaan ei kovin usein esiinny.
Olen vuosien aikana kerännyt aikamoisen määrän kissakortteja. Museoiden kaupat ovat oikeita aarreaittoja kissakorttien kerääjälle. Useat korteistani ovat taidekortteja.
English Angela Harding´s picture is called Ginger Cat & Fern. The technique is interesting: linocut and silkscreen. With silkscreen´s coloured areas she has achieved perspective and depth to her black and white linocut. The cat seems to be a bit sorrowful, or maybe she is just having her own thoughts. Angela Hardings linocuts and paintings of birds and her home county Rutland´s scenery are beautiful. There is not so many cats in her art.
I have collected quite a large number of cat cards over decades. Museum shops are treasure-troves for a cat card collector. Several of my cat cads are art cards.
Olen vuosien aikana kerännyt aikamoisen määrän kissakortteja. Museoiden kaupat ovat oikeita aarreaittoja kissakorttien kerääjälle. Useat korteistani ovat taidekortteja.
English Angela Harding´s picture is called Ginger Cat & Fern. The technique is interesting: linocut and silkscreen. With silkscreen´s coloured areas she has achieved perspective and depth to her black and white linocut. The cat seems to be a bit sorrowful, or maybe she is just having her own thoughts. Angela Hardings linocuts and paintings of birds and her home county Rutland´s scenery are beautiful. There is not so many cats in her art.
I have collected quite a large number of cat cards over decades. Museum shops are treasure-troves for a cat card collector. Several of my cat cads are art cards.
helmikuuta 21, 2015
Vedostin kaikki viimeaikaiset linoleikkaukset musikaalisista kissoista samalle paperille trioksi. Nyt ne soittavat yhdessä ukulelea, kitaraa ja bassoa - ehkä ei maailman kauneinta musiikkia. Toinen versio on vanhalla nuottipaperilla ja toisessa on lisänä pienempiä linoleikkauksia (vihreää lattiaa ja nuotteja).
I printed all the recent linocuts of musical cats on the same paper as a trio. Now they are playing together ukulele, guitar and bass - perhaps not the most beautiful music in the world. The other version is pulled on an old piece of sheet music and the other one on a white paper with some smaller linocuts (green floor and notes).
I printed all the recent linocuts of musical cats on the same paper as a trio. Now they are playing together ukulele, guitar and bass - perhaps not the most beautiful music in the world. The other version is pulled on an old piece of sheet music and the other one on a white paper with some smaller linocuts (green floor and notes).
helmikuuta 20, 2015
Kokeilin linoleikkausta bassoa soittavasta kissasta lisäämällä erillisiä pieniä linoleikkauksia vihreästälattiasta ja nuoteista.
I tested my linocut of a cat playing bass adding to the picture smaller linocuts of a green floor and notes.
I tested my linocut of a cat playing bass adding to the picture smaller linocuts of a green floor and notes.
helmikuuta 19, 2015
Kissa soittaa bassoa nuotilla / Cat Playing Bass on a Music Score
Vedostin tämänkin linoleikkauksen bassoa soittavasta kissasta vanhalle nuottivihon sivulle.
I pulled also this linocut of a cat playing bass on an old page of sheet music.
I pulled also this linocut of a cat playing bass on an old page of sheet music.
helmikuuta 17, 2015
Kolmas musikaalinen kissa soittaa bassoa. Tässä linoleikkauksessa kissa on hypännyt bassonsa päälle. Tätä temppua eivät kaikki osaa tehdä.
The third musical cat is playing bass. In this linocut the cat has jumped on his/her bass. This is a trick that anyone could do.
The third musical cat is playing bass. In this linocut the cat has jumped on his/her bass. This is a trick that anyone could do.
helmikuuta 16, 2015
Kissakortti: 86 / Cat Card: 86
Martti Lehdon öljymaalaus Iltakalastusta on vuodelta 1995. Tämä on ehdottomasti naivistinen työ. Kuvassa on kissa, kuu, koivu, kukkia, kaloja, kalastaja ja tyyni kesäinen ilta järvellä. Kukat, ruohot ja puun lehdet on maalattu koristeellisesti, ja raidat toistuvat kissan turkissa, pojan paidassa ja laiturissa. Värit ovat kirkkaita, melkein räikeitä.
Martti Lehto´s oil painting is called Evening Fishing and it is from 1995. This is definitely a Naïve work. In the picture there are a cat, moon, birch tree, flowers, fish, angler, and a serene summer evening by a lake. The flowers, grass and the leaves of the tree are painted ornately, and the stripes are repeated in the fur of the cat, in the jumper of the angler and on the pier. The colours are bright, almost loud.
I have collected quite a large number of cat cards over decades. Museum shops are treasure-troves for a cat card collector. Several of my cat cads are art cards.
helmikuuta 13, 2015
Tässä versiossa linoleikkauksesta kitaraa soittavasta kissasta lisäsin nuotteja ja lattian kuviota erillisinä pieninä linoleikkauksina.
In this version of a linocut of a cat playing guitar I added pictures of notes and pattern of the floor as separate small linocuts.
In this version of a linocut of a cat playing guitar I added pictures of notes and pattern of the floor as separate small linocuts.
helmikuuta 12, 2015
Kitarakissa nuottipaperilla / Guitar Cat on the Scores
Kokeilin vedostaa linoleikkausta kitaraa soittavasta kissasta nuottipaperille.
I tested to print my linocut of a cat playing guitar on a page of music scores.
I tested to print my linocut of a cat playing guitar on a page of music scores.
helmikuuta 11, 2015
Toinen linoleikkaus musikaalisesta kissasta on kitaraa soittava kissa. Tämä kissa on ottanut rockkitaristin asennon ja sillä on päällään aika pramea turkki. Kitaran mallina on oikea Gibson Epiphone.
The second linocut of a musical cat is a cat playing guitar. This cat is posing in the posture of a rock guitarist, and his fur is a bit flashy.The model for the guitar is a real Gibson Epiphone.
The second linocut of a musical cat is a cat playing guitar. This cat is posing in the posture of a rock guitarist, and his fur is a bit flashy.The model for the guitar is a real Gibson Epiphone.
helmikuuta 09, 2015
Kissakortti: 85 / Cat Card: 85
Sarah J. Venusin (s. 1958) monivärinen linoleikkaus The Owl and the Pussycat (Pöllö ja kissimirri) on kuvitus Edward Learin samannimiseen runoon (alla). Vaikka runossa onkin onnellinen loppu häineen, kuvan tunnelma on silti aika surumielinen. Kaksi näennäisesti toisilleen sopimatonta hahmoa ovat pienessä veneessään kuutamossa aaltojen armoilla matkalla kohti tuntematonta. Kissan hännästä roikkuu pieni vihreä kala. Värien ja kuvioiden käyttö tässä linoleikkauksessa on hieno.
Olen vuosien aikana kerännyt aikamoisen määrän kissakortteja. Museoiden kaupat ovat oikeita aarreaittoja kissakorttien kerääjälle. Useat korteistani ovat taidekortteja.
Sarah J. Venus´s (b. 1958) multicoloured linocut called The Owl and the Pussycat is an illustration to Edward Lear´s poem with the same name (below). Even though there is a happy ending with the wedding in the poem, the atmosphere in this picture is quite melancholy. Two seemingly to each other incompatible characters are gliding in their small boat at the mercy of the waves in the moonlight on their way towards the unknown. A small green fish is dangling from the cat´s tail. The use of patterns and colours in this linocut is very fine.
Sarah J. Venus´s (b. 1958) multicoloured linocut called The Owl and the Pussycat is an illustration to Edward Lear´s poem with the same name (below). Even though there is a happy ending with the wedding in the poem, the atmosphere in this picture is quite melancholy. Two seemingly to each other incompatible characters are gliding in their small boat at the mercy of the waves in the moonlight on their way towards the unknown. A small green fish is dangling from the cat´s tail. The use of patterns and colours in this linocut is very fine.
I have collected quite a large number of cat cards over decades. Museum shops are treasure-troves for a cat card collector. Several of my cat cads are art cards.
The Owl and the Pussy-Cat
The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five-pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
"O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are,
You are,
You are!
What a beautiful Pussy you are!"
Pussy said to the Owl, "You elegant fowl!
How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be married! too long we have tarried:
But what shall we do for a ring?"
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the Bong-Tree grows
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his nose,
His nose,
His nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.
"Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your ring?" Said the Piggy, "I will."
So they took it away, and were married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.
Source: The Random House Book of Poetry for Children (1983)
helmikuuta 07, 2015
Linoleikkaus ukulelea soittavasta kissasta kaipasi mielestäni jotain taustalleen. Lisäkinkin pienempiä linoleikkauksia: vihreää ruutuista lattiaa ja nuotin kuvia.
The linocut of a cat playing ukulele required to my mind something on the background. So I added smaller linocuts: green-checked floor and pictures of notes.
The linocut of a cat playing ukulele required to my mind something on the background. So I added smaller linocuts: green-checked floor and pictures of notes.
helmikuuta 06, 2015
Ukulelekissa nuotilla / Ukulele Cat on the Scores
Testailin vedostaa linoleikkaus ukulelea soittavasta kissasta nuottipaperille. Antikvariaatista löytyi vanha vihkonen lastenlauluja. Kahta samanlaista pohjaa tälle kuvalle ei siis ole.
I tested to print the linocut of a cat playing an ukulele on a page of music scores. I found an old booklet of children´s songs in a second hand shop. So, there will not be two similar background for this picture.
I tested to print the linocut of a cat playing an ukulele on a page of music scores. I found an old booklet of children´s songs in a second hand shop. So, there will not be two similar background for this picture.
helmikuuta 05, 2015
Idea: kissat soittamassa erilaisia musiikkisoittimia. Voisinpa koota vaikka pienen yhtyeen tai ainakin trion. Tähän linoleikkaukseen mallina on seinälläni oleva ukulele. Kissalla on havaijilaistyylinen kukkaseppel korviensa välissä.
The idea: cats playing different musical intruments. I might even collect a small band or at least a trio. The model for this linocut is a ukulele hanging on my wall. The cat is wearing a Hawaiian style garland of flowers between his/hers ears.
The idea: cats playing different musical intruments. I might even collect a small band or at least a trio. The model for this linocut is a ukulele hanging on my wall. The cat is wearing a Hawaiian style garland of flowers between his/hers ears.
helmikuuta 03, 2015
Timo sai Soundi-palkinnon pitkäaikaisesta työstään Soundi-rocklehden päätoimittajana. Palkintoa on jaettu vuodesta 2005 alkaen merkittävälle suomalaiselle musiikkivaikuttajalle. Rahaa palkinto ei ole, vaan hauska patsas - Taatto Taivahinen. Pienosveistoksen on tehnyt tamperelainen Christian Jütte (s. 1968) savesta/hartsista ja esikuvana on Juho Juntusen luoma jumalhahmo Taatto Taivahinen. Sopivasti Taaton seurana on jo aiemmin Jütteltä saatu pienoispatsas Juntusen sarjakuvahahmosta: Tuska MC. Christian Jütte on ollut mukana Naivistit Iittalassa -näyttelyissä, joissa esillä on ollut monenlaisia sarjakuvahahmoihin perustuvia pienoispatsaita (useita Viivi ja Wagner-veistoksia) ja myös omia ideoita, joista Berliinin muurin murtuminen teki vaikutuksen.
Timo was given Soundi Award from working quite a long time as the editor-in-chief of the rock music magazine Soundi. This award has been given from 2005 to a significant Finnish creator in the music business. The prize is not money but a nice sculpture - Taatto Taivahinen. This small sculpture was done by Christian Jütte (b. 1958) from Tampere, it´s clay/resin and the model is Juho Juntunen god figure Taatto Taivahinen. Suitably in the company of Taatto we have already earlier from Jütte purchased small sculpture -Tuska MC, based on Juntunen´s comic character. Christian Jütte has participated in Naïve Artists in Iittala exhibitions with many different small sculptures of comic characters (several Viivi & Wagner figurines) and also with his own ideas like The Falling of the Berlin Wall.
helmikuuta 02, 2015
Kissakortti: 84 / Cat Card :84
Tämä vanha ja haalistunut kortti on vuodelta 1941. Tekijästä ei ole tietoa, paitsi nimikirjaimet oikeassa kulmassa: KL-N. Kuvassa on kansallisromanttinen tupa ja sen keskeiset kotoiset aiheet: nainen kansallispuvussa, kangaspuut, kirstu, räsymatto, maalattu lautalattia, pelargoniat ikkunalla, penkki ikkunan edessä, ruutuikkuna ja valkoiset verhot. Kotoisuuden huippu on musta kissa lattialla. Aika tuntuu pysähtyneen.
This old and washed-out card is from the year 1941. There is no knowledge of the artist, except the initials on the right hand corner: KL-N. In the picture there is a national Romantic cottage and it´s main topics: a woman wearing a national costume, a loom, trunk, rag rug, painted wooden floor, geraniums on the windowsill, bench in the front of the window, screen window and white curtains. The top of the domesticity is a black cat on the floor. The time seems to have stopped.
I have collected quite a large number of cat cards over decades. Museum shops are treasure-troves for a cat card collector. Several of my cat cads are art cards.
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