Peeter Allik |
This exhibition of contemporary graphic art in Jyväskylä: Graphica Creativa 2012 is called "Neighbours". In addition to Finnish there is graphic art from neighbouring countries in three museums. This in the 13th international printmaking triennial in Jyväskylä.
Irina Vasiljeva |
In Jyväskylä Art Museum Holvi there is graphic art from Sweden, Norway, and Russia. Most of the work is made with mixed media, there are cartoons and objects. Irina Vasiljeva´s traditional big black and white prints fascinated me the most.
Holvissa on myös pysyvä suomalaisen vanhemman grafiikan näyttely: "Oravien aarteita". Grafiikka on kuvitteellisen Oravien perheen asunnon seinillä 1950-luvulla. Ina Collianderin työ "Peilissä" on kaunis ja näyttelyssä viihtyy mielellään pitempäänkin.
Ina Colliander |
Keski-suomen museo / Middle Finland Museum
Suomalainen nykygrafiikka oli Keski-Suomen museossa. Ari Pelkosen työt olivat edelleen parhaita, ja hänen töitään jo näinkin aiemmin Tampereella.
Yoy can find New Finnish graphic art in the Middle Finland Museum. Ari Pelkonen´s work is still the best, and I have seen his earlier in Tampere.
Galleria Harmonia / Gallery Harmonia
Peeter Allik |
The best part of this graphic art triennial were the Estonians in Gallery Harmonia. They have also the best linocuts. In Peeter Allik´s works you could see fine technique, and huge by copying enlargened pictures surprised. In the linocuts of Tarrvi Laamann was skillfully used many colours.
Tarrvi Laamann |
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