Vaikeampaa olikin sitten kokeilla vedostusta punaruskealla värillä sotkemalla, punaista, sinistä, keltaista ja mustaakin. Opin ainakin sen, ettei väriä kannata sotkea telalla. Tulos kun oli lievästi sanoen vaihteleva, osasta tuli punaisia, osasta melkein mustia. Ja väriä tuli telalle liikaa ja silloin kuva meni "tukkoon". Väri on nähtävästi syytä sotkea vaikkapa puukolla valmiiksi eli tasaväriseksi jo ennen kuin sitä ottaa telalle. Opiksi seuraavaan kertaan. Värillisen vedostuksen teko tuntuu mielenkiintoiselta.
In this linocut it was compelling to make the pattern of the basket. The picture is quite small, so I pulled a few cards.
It was challenging to prove the printing with reddish brown ink by mixing red, blue, yellow and some black. At least I learned that it makes no sense to mix the colours with the roll. The result is mildly said variable. Some of the cards came out red, some almost black. And there was too much of colour on the roll - the result was "plugged". Apparently it is best to mix the colours with a knife ready and even-textured before printing or taking colour with a roll. I think I learned something for the next time. Anyway, it was quite interesting to pull coloured linocut prints.
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